I am trying to link two different excel files.....If the Part number in sheet 1 equals part number in sheet 2, then the price in the cell next to it is equal to the price next to the part number in sheet 2.
VLOOKUP will only find the information in the other sheet. I want to take the three prices in sheet 2 that are for part number X and automatically update them in sheet 1 next to the same part number. So if part #123 in cell A2 has a price change I will only have to update the three prices in A3, A4 and A5 on the one spreadsheet and it should update the three prices for that part on the other sheet.
in cell B210, enter =VLOOKUP(A210,Sheet1!A2:D15601,2)Example:
Sheet 1, Cell A2 - T-56784 (part number
Cell B2 - $1,230 (MFG. List price)
Cell C2 - $861 (Cost)
Cell D2 - $984 (Sale Price)
Sheet 1 has 15,600 rows
Sheet 2, Cell A210 - T-56784 (part number
Cell B210 - $1,230 (MFG. List price)
Cell C210 - $861 (Cost)
Cell D210 - $984 (Sale Price)
Sheet 2 has 18,700 rows. Only changes will be made quarterly to all three prices in Sheet 1. would like to only change prices in Sheet 1 and have them automatically update Sheet 2.