Hello Guys,
I built an excel template with a decent level of sophistication. This template involved several workbooks that are linked together. I have at least three layers of linked workbooks with the destination workbook from one becoming the source workbook to another.
I hide the middle workbook from the user since the user has no business with that workbook. The problem now is the middle workbook does not update without opening it hence the final workbook does not update.
My question is there a way to make the middle workbook update automatically without opening it?
visual structure.... input-------calculation-------report.
I want the calculation workbook to update without opening it
I built an excel template with a decent level of sophistication. This template involved several workbooks that are linked together. I have at least three layers of linked workbooks with the destination workbook from one becoming the source workbook to another.
I hide the middle workbook from the user since the user has no business with that workbook. The problem now is the middle workbook does not update without opening it hence the final workbook does not update.
My question is there a way to make the middle workbook update automatically without opening it?
visual structure.... input-------calculation-------report.
I want the calculation workbook to update without opening it