Hi, I need to link 3 cells for a project regarding exercise. One cell has to use drop down to state "D","W","M" (daily, monthly, weekly), Another cell has the total of how many days you exercise a week and another has to say that if you exercise more than 4 times in a month your health is Poor<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
ffice" /><o
=if(AND(E2="D",H8>=5,"Excellent"),if(AND(E2="W",H8>=2,"Good"),if(AND(E2="M",I8<=4,"Poor")))). This is the statement I have written because this is how I understand it and Excel says it is wrong! Can anyone help please, it is difficult to explain what I am trying to do so I hope someone will understand it more by writing my incorrect statement. The paper also suggests that I might be able to do this by lookup?<o
Thank you.<o
> </o

=if(AND(E2="D",H8>=5,"Excellent"),if(AND(E2="W",H8>=2,"Good"),if(AND(E2="M",I8<=4,"Poor")))). This is the statement I have written because this is how I understand it and Excel says it is wrong! Can anyone help please, it is difficult to explain what I am trying to do so I hope someone will understand it more by writing my incorrect statement. The paper also suggests that I might be able to do this by lookup?<o

Thank you.<o
