With help from this forum I was able to obtain the following code.
An InputBox is used to enter a Player golf score in column L, for each Player listed in column B.
It includes a Message box catch that only appears if the score is above 99 (3 numerical numbers), then re-shows the Players name enabling me to re-enter the score.
What I would prefer now is a code that will replaces the existing catch with a new one, based on any score entered over 40.
Ideally, just a simple Yes/No Message box asking: “Are you sure the score entered is correct?”
If Yes is clicked, then carry on and insert the score. Or No, to re-enter the Players correct score.
Any help appreciated.
An InputBox is used to enter a Player golf score in column L, for each Player listed in column B.
It includes a Message box catch that only appears if the score is above 99 (3 numerical numbers), then re-shows the Players name enabling me to re-enter the score.
What I would prefer now is a code that will replaces the existing catch with a new one, based on any score entered over 40.
Ideally, just a simple Yes/No Message box asking: “Are you sure the score entered is correct?”
If Yes is clicked, then carry on and insert the score. Or No, to re-enter the Players correct score.
Any help appreciated.
Sub Add_Score()
Dim ListRow, ListColumn, ScoreColumn As Integer
Dim MyNewScore As String
' Using Names listed in Column 2 (Starting at Row B10), Add new Scores to Column 12 (L)
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
ListRow = 10: ListColumn = 2: ScoreColumn = 12
While ActiveSheet.Cells(ListRow, ListColumn) <> "" ' Until names run out
MyNewScore = InputBox("Enter the Scores for:- " & vbNewLine & vbNewLine _
& ActiveSheet.Cells(ListRow, ListColumn) & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & vbNewLine _
& "Click 'OK' or press 'Enter' to add next players score." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine _
& "(If a Player did not play - click 'OK' or press 'Enter')", _
"Add Scores", ActiveSheet.Cells(ListRow, ScoreColumn))
' Limit the score to 1 or 2 numbers or ""
If Len(MyNewScore) > 2 Then MsgBox "The score for:- '" & ActiveSheet.Cells(ListRow, ListColumn) & "' is too high." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
& "Max of 2 Numbers ! ... Please re-enter score.", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Score Error"
Loop Until (MyNewScore Like "#") Or (MyNewScore Like "##") Or (MyNewScore = "")
If MyNewScore <> "" Then
ActiveSheet.Cells(ListRow, ScoreColumn) = MyNewScore 'If input is not empty, use the input
Else: ActiveSheet.Cells(ListRow, ScoreColumn) = ""
End If
ListRow = ListRow + 1
End Sub