Legend manipulation


Active Member
Sep 9, 2016
Good day,

I have a spreadsheet with 17 columns, "A" Column holding date and the various other columns holding data. I have a userform that is a 'display center' where I can pick and choose (through a YES/NO combobox) which columns to graph against time. So I can plot just one of columns, or any number of the columns.

It's just that, if I select just one of the columns, it correctly graphs the one series but the Legend displays all 16 possibilities. What I want is for the legend to show only those columns I wish to graph.

Private Sub AssayNi()

Dim ChartData20 As Range
Dim ChartData21 As Range
Dim ChartData22 As Range
Dim ChartData23 As Range
Dim ChartData24 As Range
Dim ChartData25 As Range
Dim ChartData26 As Range
Dim ChartData27 As Range
Dim ChartData28 As Range
Dim ChartData29 As Range
Dim ChartData30 As Range
Dim ChartData31 As Range
Dim ChartData32 As Range
Dim ChartData33 As Range
Dim ChartData34 As Range
Dim ChartData35 As Range
Dim ChartIndex50 As Integer

Dim ChartName20 As String
Dim ChartName21 As String
Dim ChartName22 As String
Dim ChartName23 As String
Dim ChartName24 As String
Dim ChartName25 As String
Dim ChartName26 As String
Dim ChartName27 As String
Dim ChartName28 As String
Dim ChartName29 As String
Dim ChartName30 As String
Dim ChartName31 As String
Dim ChartName32 As String
Dim ChartName33 As String
Dim ChartName34 As String
Dim ChartName35 As String

ChartIndex50 = ComboBox50.ListIndex 'Various Elements
ChartIndex20 = ComboBox20.ListIndex 'Autoclave Feed
ChartIndex21 = ComboBox21.ListIndex 'Flash Discharge 1
ChartIndex22 = ComboBox22.ListIndex 'Flash Discharge 2
ChartIndex23 = ComboBox23.ListIndex 'HD Reactor
ChartIndex24 = ComboBox24.ListIndex 'Polished PLS
ChartIndex25 = ComboBox25.ListIndex 'IR2 Feed
ChartIndex26 = ComboBox26.ListIndex 'Cu/Fe Free
ChartIndex27 = ComboBox27.ListIndex 'Impurity Feed
ChartIndex28 = ComboBox28.ListIndex 'Imp SX Strip
ChartIndex29 = ComboBox29.ListIndex 'SLN Thickener OF
ChartIndex30 = ComboBox30.ListIndex 'Ni EW Feed
ChartIndex31 = ComboBox31.ListIndex 'Ni EW Anolyte
ChartIndex32 = ComboBox32.ListIndex 'WLN Feed
ChartIndex33 = ComboBox33.ListIndex 'PEN Feed
ChartIndex34 = ComboBox34.ListIndex 'PEN1 Thickener
ChartIndex35 = ComboBox35.ListIndex 'PEN2 Clarifier
ChartName20 = "Autoclave Feed"
ChartName21 = "Flash Discharge 1"
ChartName22 = "Flash Discharge 2"
ChartName23 = "HD Reactor"
ChartName24 = "Polished PLS"
ChartName25 = "IR2 Feed"
ChartName26 = "Cu/Fe Free"
ChartName27 = "Impurity Feed"
ChartName28 = "Impurity Strip"
ChartName29 = "SLN Thk O/F"
ChartName30 = "NiEW Feed"
ChartName31 = "NiEW Anolyte"
ChartName32 = "WLN Feed"
ChartName33 = "PEN Feed"
ChartName34 = "PEN1 Thk O/F"
ChartName35 = "PEN2 Clar O/F"

'Setting up DT Picker
Set sh = Sheets("Main Element Profiles")
Set r = sh.Range("a:a").Find(CDate(Me.DTPicker3), sh.[a7], xlValues)    ' first date
rn1 = r.Row                                                             ' where the date is
Set r = sh.Range("a:a").Find(CDate(Me.DTPicker4), sh.[a7], xlValues)    ' second date

Set ChartData20 = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("GA" & r.Row & ":GA" & rn1)
Set ChartData21 = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("GA" & r.Row & ":GA" & rn1)
Set ChartData22 = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("GA" & r.Row & ":GA" & rn1)
Set ChartData23 = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("GA" & r.Row & ":GA" & rn1)
Set ChartData24 = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("GA" & r.Row & ":GA" & rn1)
Set ChartData25 = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("GA" & r.Row & ":GA" & rn1)
Set ChartData26 = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("GA" & r.Row & ":GA" & rn1)
Set ChartData27 = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("GA" & r.Row & ":GA" & rn1)
Set ChartData28 = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("GA" & r.Row & ":GA" & rn1)
Set ChartData29 = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("GA" & r.Row & ":GA" & rn1)
Set ChartData30 = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("GA" & r.Row & ":GA" & rn1)
Set ChartData31 = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("GA" & r.Row & ":GA" & rn1)
Set ChartData32 = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("GA" & r.Row & ":GA" & rn1)
Set ChartData33 = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("GA" & r.Row & ":GA" & rn1)
Set ChartData34 = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("GA" & r.Row & ":GA" & rn1)
Set ChartData35 = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("GA" & r.Row & ":GA" & rn1)

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveWindow.Zoom = 120
Set MyChart2 = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddChart(xlXYScatterLines).Chart


     If ChartIndex20 = 0 Then Set ChartData20 = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("C" & r.Row & ":C" & rn1)  'Autoclave Feed
With MyChart2
    .SeriesCollection(1).Name = ChartName20
    .SeriesCollection(1).Values = ChartData20
    .SeriesCollection(1).XValues = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("A" & rn1 & ":A" & r.Row)
    .SeriesCollection(1).Format.Line.Weight = 1
End With

     If ChartIndex21 = 0 Then Set ChartData21 = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("L" & r.Row & ":L" & rn1)  'Flash Discharge 1
With MyChart2
    .SeriesCollection(2).Name = ChartName21
    .SeriesCollection(2).Values = ChartData21
    .SeriesCollection(2).XValues = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("A" & rn1 & ":A" & r.Row)
    .SeriesCollection(2).Format.Line.Weight = 1
End With

     If ChartIndex22 = 0 Then Set ChartData22 = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("U" & r.Row & ":U" & rn1)  'Flash Discharge 2
With MyChart2
    .SeriesCollection(3).Name = ChartName22
    .SeriesCollection(3).Values = ChartData22
    .SeriesCollection(3).XValues = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("A" & rn1 & ":A" & r.Row)
    .SeriesCollection(3).Format.Line.Weight = 1
End With

     If ChartIndex23 = 0 Then Set ChartData23 = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("AD" & r.Row & ":AD" & rn1)  'HD Reactor
With MyChart2
    .SeriesCollection(4).Name = ChartName23
    .SeriesCollection(4).Values = ChartData23
    .SeriesCollection(4).XValues = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("A" & rn1 & ":A" & r.Row)
    .SeriesCollection(4).Format.Line.Weight = 1
End With

     If ChartIndex24 = 0 Then Set ChartData24 = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("AM" & r.Row & ":AM" & rn1)  'Polished PLS
With MyChart2
    .SeriesCollection(5).Name = ChartName24
    .SeriesCollection(5).Values = ChartData24
    .SeriesCollection(5).XValues = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("A" & rn1 & ":A" & r.Row)
    .SeriesCollection(5).Format.Line.Weight = 1
End With

     If ChartIndex25 = 0 Then Set ChartData25 = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("AV" & r.Row & ":AV" & rn1)  'IR2 Feed
With MyChart2
    .SeriesCollection(6).Name = ChartName25
    .SeriesCollection(6).Values = ChartData25
    .SeriesCollection(6).XValues = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("A" & rn1 & ":A" & r.Row)
    .SeriesCollection(6).Format.Line.Weight = 1
End With

     If ChartIndex26 = 0 Then Set ChartData26 = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("BE" & r.Row & ":BE" & rn1)  'Cu/Fe Free
With MyChart2
    .SeriesCollection(7).Name = ChartName26
    .SeriesCollection(7).Values = ChartData26
    .SeriesCollection(7).XValues = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("A" & rn1 & ":A" & r.Row)
    .SeriesCollection(7).Format.Line.Weight = 1
End With

     If ChartIndex27 = 0 Then Set ChartData27 = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("BN" & r.Row & ":BN" & rn1)  'Impurity Feed
With MyChart2
    .SeriesCollection(8).Name = ChartName27
    .SeriesCollection(8).Values = ChartData27
    .SeriesCollection(8).XValues = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("A" & rn1 & ":A" & r.Row)
    .SeriesCollection(8).Format.Line.Weight = 1
End With

     If ChartIndex28 = 0 Then Set ChartData28 = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("DY" & r.Row & ":DY" & rn1)  'IMP SX Strip
With MyChart2
    .SeriesCollection(9).Name = ChartName28
    .SeriesCollection(9).Values = ChartData28
    .SeriesCollection(9).XValues = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("A" & rn1 & ":A" & r.Row)
    .SeriesCollection(9).Format.Line.Weight = 1
End With

     If ChartIndex29 = 0 Then Set ChartData29 = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("EH" & r.Row & ":EH" & rn1)  'SLN Thickener O/F
With MyChart2
    .SeriesCollection(10).Name = ChartName29
    .SeriesCollection(10).Values = ChartData29
    .SeriesCollection(10).XValues = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("A" & rn1 & ":A" & r.Row)
    .SeriesCollection(10).Format.Line.Weight = 1
End With

     If ChartIndex30 = 0 Then Set ChartData30 = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("BW" & r.Row & ":BW" & rn1)  'Ni EW Feed
With MyChart2
    .SeriesCollection(11).Name = ChartName30
    .SeriesCollection(11).Values = ChartData30
    .SeriesCollection(11).XValues = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("A" & rn1 & ":A" & r.Row)
    .SeriesCollection(11).Format.Line.Weight = 1
End With
     If ChartIndex31 = 0 Then Set ChartData31 = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("CF" & r.Row & ":CF" & rn1)  'Ni EW Anolyte
With MyChart2
    .SeriesCollection(12).Name = ChartName31
    .SeriesCollection(12).Values = ChartData31
    .SeriesCollection(12).XValues = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("A" & rn1 & ":A" & r.Row)
    .SeriesCollection(12).Format.Line.Weight = 1
End With

     If ChartIndex32 = 0 Then Set ChartData32 = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("CO" & r.Row & ":CO" & rn1)  'WLN Feed
With MyChart2
    .SeriesCollection(13).Name = ChartName32
    .SeriesCollection(13).Values = ChartData32
    .SeriesCollection(13).XValues = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("A" & rn1 & ":A" & r.Row)
    .SeriesCollection(13).Format.Line.Weight = 1
End With
     If ChartIndex33 = 0 Then Set ChartData33 = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("CX" & r.Row & ":CX" & rn1)  'PEN Feed
With MyChart2
    .SeriesCollection(14).Name = ChartName33
    .SeriesCollection(14).Values = ChartData33
    .SeriesCollection(14).XValues = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("A" & rn1 & ":A" & r.Row)
    .SeriesCollection(14).Format.Line.Weight = 1
End With
     If ChartIndex34 = 0 Then Set ChartData34 = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("DG" & r.Row & ":DG" & rn1)  'PEN 1 Thickener O/F
With MyChart2
    .SeriesCollection(15).Name = ChartName34
    .SeriesCollection(15).Values = ChartData34
    .SeriesCollection(15).XValues = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("A" & rn1 & ":A" & r.Row)
    .SeriesCollection(15).Format.Line.Weight = 1
End With
     If ChartIndex35 = 0 Then Set ChartData35 = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("DP" & r.Row & ":DP" & rn1)  'PEN 2 Clarifier O/F
With MyChart2
    .SeriesCollection(16).Name = ChartName35
    .SeriesCollection(16).Values = ChartData35
    .SeriesCollection(16).XValues = Worksheets("Main Element Profiles").Range("A" & rn1 & ":A" & r.Row)
    .SeriesCollection(16).Format.Line.Weight = 1
End With

With MyChart2
        Selection.TickLabels.NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"
        Selection.TickLabels.NumberFormat = "[$-409]mmm-dd;@"
        Selection.MajorUnitIsAuto = True
        Selection.TickLabels.NumberFormat = "#,##0.00"
        Selection.TickLabels.NumberFormat = "#,##0.0,"
    .Axes(xlValue).HasTitle = True
    .Axes(xlValue).AxisTitle.Text = "Concentration (g/L)"
    .Legend.Font.Size = 5
End With
Dim ImageName2 As String
ImageName2 = Application.DefaultFilePath & Application.PathSeparator & "TempChart.jpeg"
MyChart2.Export Filename:=ImageName2
Me.Image2.Picture = LoadPicture(ImageName2)
ActiveWindow.Zoom = 85
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

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