I have two worksheets; one with 63,181 rows and the other with approximately 60,000 rows. I would like to find the matching records (rows) from both sheets, the records found only in Sheet 1 and those found only in Sheet 2. I've created a connection only for both sheets in Queries & Connections. I right click Sheet 1, select 'Merge" and select both sheets. I then select the 3 columns (Date, Name, Amount) that would produce matches or lack thereof. I run an Inner Join to get (hopefully) the records that appear in both, Left Anti to get those in Sheet 1 only and Right Anti to get those in Sheet 2 and not Sheet 1. When I run the Inner I get 47,140 results, the Left gives me 15,982 and Right gives me none. My expectation was the number of matched results plus the number unique to one sheet would equal the total for that same sheet. So the total for the Inner and the Left should be 63,181 as this would be the sum of those in both plus those only in Sheet 1. Instead its 63,122 (47,140 +15,982). My assumption was blank rows in the Excel worksheet, and there are blank rows (see my previous query in this forum) but there aren't 59. Additionally, with the Right Anti giving zero results that's not even close to the number in Sheet 2. Can somebody please tell me what I'm doing wrong? Also, will blank cells affect the process? For example, for some records there is a date and an amount, but no name. If both sheets have the matching date and amount, and neither sheet has a name, will that be returned as a match? Any help at all is MUCH appreciated! Thank you.