Want to let others know that your Chart Data is current? Add a Live Title to that Chart to show that the Chart represents Data through the current date. In Episode #1398, Bill shows us how this is accomplished.
...Learn Excel 97-2007 from MrExcel.
...Learn Excel 97-2007 from MrExcel.
Transcript of the video:
MrExcel Podcast is sponsored by Easy-XL.Learn Excel from MrExcel Podcast. Episode 1398 - Date The Chart Hey, welcome back to the MrExcel netcast.
I'm Bill Jelen. I was in the seminar this weekend.
Someone had a chart. They had a Chart Title and notice the chart is as its own sheet and they wanted the as of date, the current days date to print at the top of the chart, and so I have a cool way to do this we have a chart title here.
I'm going to go back to the data worksheet where the data for the chart is and lets complete a little formula here =TODAY So you're watching this on the 5th but I'm recording it on the 4th. Little formula here ="Data through "&text(A1,"mmmm d, yyyy") Text function is great for taking a date formatting however you'd like.
okay, so data through 5/4. That's in cell B1.
I have to pay attention to the name of the sheet will come back here to chart.
And initially see I'm in edit mode There's a dotted line around the title but I'll click on the edge of the title.
Now I've actually selected the whole title and in the formula bar =Data!$B$1 alright press enter there we go. So now the chart title is reflecting the formula that's coming from the sheet.
Now that can't contain any kind of a formula other than just pointing to a single cell.
But It can't point to a cell that's on another worksheet.
And by the way even if your worksheet is on the same even if your chart is on the same worksheet as the data, you still have to include the full name of the worksheet also if your sheet names include a space, so if this was Income Statement.
Then that formula has to include apostrophes around the worksheet name.
So a pretty cool way to have a nice live dynamic title.
It's coming from any kind of calculation that you can put in your worksheet.
Hey, Well hey. I want to thank you stopping by. See you next time for another netcast from MrExcel.
I'm Bill Jelen. I was in the seminar this weekend.
Someone had a chart. They had a Chart Title and notice the chart is as its own sheet and they wanted the as of date, the current days date to print at the top of the chart, and so I have a cool way to do this we have a chart title here.
I'm going to go back to the data worksheet where the data for the chart is and lets complete a little formula here =TODAY So you're watching this on the 5th but I'm recording it on the 4th. Little formula here ="Data through "&text(A1,"mmmm d, yyyy") Text function is great for taking a date formatting however you'd like.
okay, so data through 5/4. That's in cell B1.
I have to pay attention to the name of the sheet will come back here to chart.
And initially see I'm in edit mode There's a dotted line around the title but I'll click on the edge of the title.
Now I've actually selected the whole title and in the formula bar =Data!$B$1 alright press enter there we go. So now the chart title is reflecting the formula that's coming from the sheet.
Now that can't contain any kind of a formula other than just pointing to a single cell.
But It can't point to a cell that's on another worksheet.
And by the way even if your worksheet is on the same even if your chart is on the same worksheet as the data, you still have to include the full name of the worksheet also if your sheet names include a space, so if this was Income Statement.
Then that formula has to include apostrophes around the worksheet name.
So a pretty cool way to have a nice live dynamic title.
It's coming from any kind of calculation that you can put in your worksheet.
Hey, Well hey. I want to thank you stopping by. See you next time for another netcast from MrExcel.