Today, in Episode #1333, Bob asks if there is an easy way to count how many records are located in each country in a Data Set. Though Bob was hoping for an "=CountByCountry" Function, I employed a Pivot Table instead. "Excel 2010 In Depth"

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Learn Excel from MrExcel podcast, episode, 1333.
Count by Country.
Hey, welcome back to the MrExcel netcast.
I'm Bill Jelen.
Today's question sent in by Bob.
Bob has a huge data set here while 700 records or so and he needs to count how many items are in each country or know if there is a count by country function.
Bob there's not a count by country function, but there is a Pivot table, so we'll do insert pivot table.
Now, I only have to choose one cell in the selection here and it automatically extends out A1 through C711, perfect, click [ ok ] and we get a brand new screen.
Well, we definitely want country along the row labels definitely, but how do I count?
Well, the best way to count is to take a field that is text that, you know is filled in, in all cases.
So, I'll take the location field and take that to the values area and automatically, they are going to count.
So, we have Albania with 4, Argentina with 11, Australia with 27, this one here concerns me the 0, we should double click there, in order to see which records those are.
Sounds like, they weren't coded those fields or blank and then one more thing we can do here, is go to count up location.
Actually, now I'm going to go to the row labels drop down and say more sort options.
I want to sort descending based on, count location, click [ ok ], and there's our answer.
Okay, now we need to go back and figure out what those four missing countries were, but let's say that we've done that and we're done.
This is a pivot table, which is going to prevent us from doing certain things to it.
So, I'm going to copy everything except for the grand total, [ control C ] to copy.
[ Control N ] for new and then paste special, that's [ alt E S V ], click [ ok ].
There is my list, so we have country and count.
There you go, all right.
Hey! Bob, Thanks for sending that question in, thanks to you for stopping by.
See you next time for another net cast from MrExcel.
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We are now available through a roku box.
You have to add the media fly channel, once you're in media fly go ahead and search, search for MrExcel.
Get the last five or so episodes there in.
Just glorious streaming television, plenty of other places to catch up with our articles, things like that.
Thanks for stopping by, we’ll see you next time for another netcast from MrExcel.
Learn Excel from MrExcel podcast, episode, 1333.
Count by Country.
Hey, welcome back to the MrExcel netcast.
I'm Bill Jelen.
Today's question sent in by Bob.
Bob has a huge data set here while 700 records or so and he needs to count how many items are in each country or know if there is a count by country function.
Bob there's not a count by country function, but there is a Pivot table, so we'll do insert pivot table.
Now, I only have to choose one cell in the selection here and it automatically extends out A1 through C711, perfect, click [ ok ] and we get a brand new screen.
Well, we definitely want country along the row labels definitely, but how do I count?
Well, the best way to count is to take a field that is text that, you know is filled in, in all cases.
So, I'll take the location field and take that to the values area and automatically, they are going to count.
So, we have Albania with 4, Argentina with 11, Australia with 27, this one here concerns me the 0, we should double click there, in order to see which records those are.
Sounds like, they weren't coded those fields or blank and then one more thing we can do here, is go to count up location.
Actually, now I'm going to go to the row labels drop down and say more sort options.
I want to sort descending based on, count location, click [ ok ], and there's our answer.
Okay, now we need to go back and figure out what those four missing countries were, but let's say that we've done that and we're done.
This is a pivot table, which is going to prevent us from doing certain things to it.
So, I'm going to copy everything except for the grand total, [ control C ] to copy.
[ Control N ] for new and then paste special, that's [ alt E S V ], click [ ok ].
There is my list, so we have country and count.
There you go, all right.
Hey! Bob, Thanks for sending that question in, thanks to you for stopping by.
See you next time for another net cast from MrExcel.
Hey, a special invitation if you have cut the cable and are now watching your TV via Roku.
We are now available through a roku box.
You have to add the media fly channel, once you're in media fly go ahead and search, search for MrExcel.
Get the last five or so episodes there in.
Just glorious streaming television, plenty of other places to catch up with our articles, things like that.
Thanks for stopping by, we’ll see you next time for another netcast from MrExcel.