Juan is charting three series. The first two series have a similar order of magnitude, the third series is very small. Episode 1819 shows how to build this chart in either Excel 2010 or Excel 2013.

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Learn Excel from MrExcel, Episode 1819: Chart 2 Different Orders of Magnitude.
Hey. Welcome back to the MrExcel netcast. I’m Bill Jelen.
Today's question Juan and we've covered this before.
I'm going to cover it in both Excel 2010 and Excel 2013 to compare and contrast.
We want to create a chart from these three series.
Two series are large numbers up in between 1000 and 2000 and the third series is a small number.
How do we control which items are on the left axis and the right axis?
Well, back in Excel 2010, we would have to just start with a column chart like this and we would see the first two items, widgets and gadgets, but the Quality score would not appear at all, and so you'd have to select the Quality score on the Layout tab or the Format tab, Series “Quality”, Format Selection, and move that to the Secondary Axis which gets the scale different for that particular item and then, while it is still chosen, we go to the Design tab and change the chart type of just that third series to something like a line chart.
So, we can now see the sales along the left axis, these first two series, and then the third series is plotted against the right axis which is the Quality score.
So, it was, you know, relatively easy to do this in Excel 2003 because it was in the chart wizard.
Excel 2007 and 2010, you had to use the method I just showed you there, but, in Excel 2013, it's pretty wild.
If we come here and ask for Insert, Recommended Chart, the recommendation is to create a combo chart where the first two series are on the left and then the third series on the right.
So, we can just simply click OK and have the chart without having to worry about changing anything, but if we would want to go in and tweak that under Change Chart Type, they have created a great new interface for the combination chart where we can choose, for each item, whether it's on the primary axis or the secondary axis and then what type of chart -- column or line -- to use for each individual item.
So, it gives you a lot more control, a lot more explicit in Excel 2013.
First, they just get it right out of the box, and second, if you need to adjust, it's a lot more obvious here than having to go find the Layout tab or the Format tab in Excel 2010 so that we can select the series which is too small to see.
All right, hey, I want to thank you for stopping by.
I want to thank Juan for sending that question in.
See you next time for another netcast with MrExcel.
Learn Excel from MrExcel, Episode 1819: Chart 2 Different Orders of Magnitude.
Hey. Welcome back to the MrExcel netcast. I’m Bill Jelen.
Today's question Juan and we've covered this before.
I'm going to cover it in both Excel 2010 and Excel 2013 to compare and contrast.
We want to create a chart from these three series.
Two series are large numbers up in between 1000 and 2000 and the third series is a small number.
How do we control which items are on the left axis and the right axis?
Well, back in Excel 2010, we would have to just start with a column chart like this and we would see the first two items, widgets and gadgets, but the Quality score would not appear at all, and so you'd have to select the Quality score on the Layout tab or the Format tab, Series “Quality”, Format Selection, and move that to the Secondary Axis which gets the scale different for that particular item and then, while it is still chosen, we go to the Design tab and change the chart type of just that third series to something like a line chart.
So, we can now see the sales along the left axis, these first two series, and then the third series is plotted against the right axis which is the Quality score.
So, it was, you know, relatively easy to do this in Excel 2003 because it was in the chart wizard.
Excel 2007 and 2010, you had to use the method I just showed you there, but, in Excel 2013, it's pretty wild.
If we come here and ask for Insert, Recommended Chart, the recommendation is to create a combo chart where the first two series are on the left and then the third series on the right.
So, we can just simply click OK and have the chart without having to worry about changing anything, but if we would want to go in and tweak that under Change Chart Type, they have created a great new interface for the combination chart where we can choose, for each item, whether it's on the primary axis or the secondary axis and then what type of chart -- column or line -- to use for each individual item.
So, it gives you a lot more control, a lot more explicit in Excel 2013.
First, they just get it right out of the box, and second, if you need to adjust, it's a lot more obvious here than having to go find the Layout tab or the Format tab in Excel 2010 so that we can select the series which is too small to see.
All right, hey, I want to thank you for stopping by.
I want to thank Juan for sending that question in.
See you next time for another netcast with MrExcel.