A coming Add-in for Microsoft Excel 2013 Pro Plus, 'GeoFlow' works with Latitude - Longitude, City - State, City - State - country and more. It's like a Pivot Table field list on a map! Today, in Episode #1653, Bill gives us a look and a tour of Excel Data shown on a Globe using the GeoFlow Beta Add-in. Again, GeoFlow will eventually be available to Excel 2013 Pro Plus customers.
...This blog is the video podcast companion to the book, Learn Excel 2007 through Excel 2010 from MrExcel. Download a new two minute video every workday to learn one of the 512 Excel Mysteries Solved! and 35% More Tips than the previous edition of Bill's book! Power Excel With MrExcel - 2017 Edition
"The Learn Excel from MrExcel Podcast Series"
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...This blog is the video podcast companion to the book, Learn Excel 2007 through Excel 2010 from MrExcel. Download a new two minute video every workday to learn one of the 512 Excel Mysteries Solved! and 35% More Tips than the previous edition of Bill's book! Power Excel With MrExcel - 2017 Edition
"The Learn Excel from MrExcel Podcast Series"
Visit us: MrExcel.com for all of your Microsoft Excel Needs!

Transcript of the video:
MrExcel podcast is sponsored by Easy-XL.
Learn Excel for MrExcel podcast, Episode 1653. Map your Excel, data with GeoFlow. All right here's another cool feature, this is a product called GeoFlow that's from Microsoft -- is going to be an add-in for Excel 2013 Pro Plus.
It's only in an early beta right now; it'll probably be released later in 2013, maybe early 2014.
So, I have five thousand rows of data here -- there is an address component, address, city, state, zip.
It works with latitude - longitude, works with just city - state, city - state - country.
I also have some information here to classify; these are libraries, we mailed "Don’t Fear the Spreadsheet” to a whole bunch of libraries -- mailed it to the main branch and then, figured it would flow out to be available at the branch libraries.
So I have some dates -- the day it was mailed, the day I figured this was going to hit based on how far away it is; and want to take a look at this data on a map.
Now traditionally, we'd use Microsoft MapPoint for this but GeoFlow is a great new product that allows us to build a tour, so today I'm going to show you the tour, tomorrow we'll take a look at and what actually happens.
This is, you know essentially it's like a pivot table field-list on a map -- we get to specify which fields represent the height, which fields are the geographic fields, and we also get to show a time component.
So you know I'm here in Ohio, and this is showing how the books stretched out across the country based on, you know the typical delays for the US Postal Service.
And then the other color, the blue are the branch libraries that eventually will be added to the catalog.
Okay now, because of the beta here it seen the colors change so, that's why the colors changed.
I saw a later version at the MVP summit last week and, you know those things are improved as well as additional themes and all kinds of improvements -- but even with this early beta this is very cool.
You can use the Ctrl and Alt keys, and your mouse, and the wheel mouse to zoom in -- but this is all built in the source.
So initially, here I zoomed in on Florida so we could take a look at how like.
Look in Southeast Florida.
There's three tall spikes, so that's Miami-Dade County, Fort Lauderdale, and in West Palm Beach three books that were sent are basically going to cover all of the branches that cover that entire southeast coast of Florida.
And then you know, we also have Naples, Tampa- St.
Pete, Orlando -- my second home library of Brevard County, and Jacksonville.
We can fly up, so you know in Florida we had to send a lot of books and covered a lot of the area.
Here in Birmingham and Alabama, those were the only two library systems that were, quote-unquote, large enough for our budget; we had a certain budget of books that we could send out.
And, so in the tour I've built in these delays, 10-15 second delays that allow me just to talk about it --now I didn't know exactly what it was going to say, by building enough time I could kind of cover it.
And here we go up to the Northeast and, so on okay so now I'm going to stop the tour at this point, I'm going to pause just to show you the kinds of things we can do.
So I'm going to take the mouse, I'm going to click and drag, and that allows me to re-center the map.
I can zoom in or zoom out.
So, I'm going to hold down the Ctrl key and wheel mouse up to zoom in, or wheel mouse out to zoom out -- pretty responsive right?
I'm going to hold down the Alt key and kind of go in a dragging circular motion that allows me to tip and rotate the map.
And then with the Alt key I'm going to drag up to tip the map away from me.
That allows me to see the height of the bars better, or drag down to tip them out the map into more of a, you know, higher view.
And, so this is a really, really cool product from Microsoft called GeoFlow.
You have to have Excel 2013 Pro Plus because it's using data in the PowerPivot engine.
Here, let's go and just take a quick look at the PowerPivot window – now, again this is a very early beta; we see we have a field list over here, or we can specify the height of the columns, the category that changes, the color, and then also a time component.
I can drag one of those date fields down there and watch it animate out over time -- really, really interesting product.
Go ahead out to Bing or Google and search for GeoFlow, and you might see when the public beta will become available.
I want to thank you for stopping by.
I’ll see you next time for another netcast from MrExcel.
Learn Excel for MrExcel podcast, Episode 1653. Map your Excel, data with GeoFlow. All right here's another cool feature, this is a product called GeoFlow that's from Microsoft -- is going to be an add-in for Excel 2013 Pro Plus.
It's only in an early beta right now; it'll probably be released later in 2013, maybe early 2014.
So, I have five thousand rows of data here -- there is an address component, address, city, state, zip.
It works with latitude - longitude, works with just city - state, city - state - country.
I also have some information here to classify; these are libraries, we mailed "Don’t Fear the Spreadsheet” to a whole bunch of libraries -- mailed it to the main branch and then, figured it would flow out to be available at the branch libraries.
So I have some dates -- the day it was mailed, the day I figured this was going to hit based on how far away it is; and want to take a look at this data on a map.
Now traditionally, we'd use Microsoft MapPoint for this but GeoFlow is a great new product that allows us to build a tour, so today I'm going to show you the tour, tomorrow we'll take a look at and what actually happens.
This is, you know essentially it's like a pivot table field-list on a map -- we get to specify which fields represent the height, which fields are the geographic fields, and we also get to show a time component.
So you know I'm here in Ohio, and this is showing how the books stretched out across the country based on, you know the typical delays for the US Postal Service.
And then the other color, the blue are the branch libraries that eventually will be added to the catalog.
Okay now, because of the beta here it seen the colors change so, that's why the colors changed.
I saw a later version at the MVP summit last week and, you know those things are improved as well as additional themes and all kinds of improvements -- but even with this early beta this is very cool.
You can use the Ctrl and Alt keys, and your mouse, and the wheel mouse to zoom in -- but this is all built in the source.
So initially, here I zoomed in on Florida so we could take a look at how like.
Look in Southeast Florida.
There's three tall spikes, so that's Miami-Dade County, Fort Lauderdale, and in West Palm Beach three books that were sent are basically going to cover all of the branches that cover that entire southeast coast of Florida.
And then you know, we also have Naples, Tampa- St.
Pete, Orlando -- my second home library of Brevard County, and Jacksonville.
We can fly up, so you know in Florida we had to send a lot of books and covered a lot of the area.
Here in Birmingham and Alabama, those were the only two library systems that were, quote-unquote, large enough for our budget; we had a certain budget of books that we could send out.
And, so in the tour I've built in these delays, 10-15 second delays that allow me just to talk about it --now I didn't know exactly what it was going to say, by building enough time I could kind of cover it.
And here we go up to the Northeast and, so on okay so now I'm going to stop the tour at this point, I'm going to pause just to show you the kinds of things we can do.
So I'm going to take the mouse, I'm going to click and drag, and that allows me to re-center the map.
I can zoom in or zoom out.
So, I'm going to hold down the Ctrl key and wheel mouse up to zoom in, or wheel mouse out to zoom out -- pretty responsive right?
I'm going to hold down the Alt key and kind of go in a dragging circular motion that allows me to tip and rotate the map.
And then with the Alt key I'm going to drag up to tip the map away from me.
That allows me to see the height of the bars better, or drag down to tip them out the map into more of a, you know, higher view.
And, so this is a really, really cool product from Microsoft called GeoFlow.
You have to have Excel 2013 Pro Plus because it's using data in the PowerPivot engine.
Here, let's go and just take a quick look at the PowerPivot window – now, again this is a very early beta; we see we have a field list over here, or we can specify the height of the columns, the category that changes, the color, and then also a time component.
I can drag one of those date fields down there and watch it animate out over time -- really, really interesting product.
Go ahead out to Bing or Google and search for GeoFlow, and you might see when the public beta will become available.
I want to thank you for stopping by.
I’ll see you next time for another netcast from MrExcel.