John from New Zealand offers an improvement to Thursday's podcast about creating a Data Entry form on a spreadsheet. Today, in Episode #1504, Bill applies the tip from John to improve the VBA code for this Database Form routine!
...This episode is the video podcast companion to the book, "Learn Excel 2007 through Excel 2010 from MrExcel". Download a new two minute video every workday to learn one of the 512 Excel Mysteries Solved! and 35% More Tips than the previous edition of Bill's book!
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...This episode is the video podcast companion to the book, "Learn Excel 2007 through Excel 2010 from MrExcel". Download a new two minute video every workday to learn one of the 512 Excel Mysteries Solved! and 35% More Tips than the previous edition of Bill's book!
"The Learn Excel from MrExcel Podcast Series" — Your One Stop for Excel Tips and Solutions. Visit us today!

Transcript of the video:
MrExcel podcast is sponsored by Easy-XL.
Learn Excel From MrExcel, Podcast Episode 1504: Excel As A Data Entry Form Part 2.
Well, hey. Welcome back to the MrExcel netcast. I'm Bill Jelen.
Yesterday, we talked about using an Excel worksheet as a data entry form and I mentioned that came from the Excel gurus group out at LinkedIn.
John Lythe is a regular at the MrExcel site.
He's from New Zealand and he popped in with what I thought was just a great idea.
He said, you know, rather than have the code have to go through and figure out where everything needs to go, just scroll all the way down -- he said he uses row 100 -- and build little formulas down there that put the fields back in order, okay?
So, there's just simple little, you know, = signs here, and then, when we get to the VBA, the VBA is so much simpler because we no longer have to choose this field, then that field, and then that field.
We just take that nice range A1 to G100 and move it to the next row.
I still have to go through and clear out the right fields as we did yesterday, you know, but I thought that was a clever idea of just building everything down below, and then a few other people, Jim Palmer, jumped into the conversation about a way to bring a record back, so if you need to edit an old record, and then [ Prem – 01:19 ] also came in with another method.
So, if you're interested in doing this, you know, go out and check out that discussion.
I made a tinyurl here that you can check out and go take a look at the discussion.
Interesting ways to kind of use Excel as a nice little database entry form without having to have everybody have access or anything like that.
Well, hey.
I want to thank you for stopping by.
We’ll see you next time for another netcast from MrExcel.
Learn Excel From MrExcel, Podcast Episode 1504: Excel As A Data Entry Form Part 2.
Well, hey. Welcome back to the MrExcel netcast. I'm Bill Jelen.
Yesterday, we talked about using an Excel worksheet as a data entry form and I mentioned that came from the Excel gurus group out at LinkedIn.
John Lythe is a regular at the MrExcel site.
He's from New Zealand and he popped in with what I thought was just a great idea.
He said, you know, rather than have the code have to go through and figure out where everything needs to go, just scroll all the way down -- he said he uses row 100 -- and build little formulas down there that put the fields back in order, okay?
So, there's just simple little, you know, = signs here, and then, when we get to the VBA, the VBA is so much simpler because we no longer have to choose this field, then that field, and then that field.
We just take that nice range A1 to G100 and move it to the next row.
I still have to go through and clear out the right fields as we did yesterday, you know, but I thought that was a clever idea of just building everything down below, and then a few other people, Jim Palmer, jumped into the conversation about a way to bring a record back, so if you need to edit an old record, and then [ Prem – 01:19 ] also came in with another method.
So, if you're interested in doing this, you know, go out and check out that discussion.
I made a tinyurl here that you can check out and go take a look at the discussion.
Interesting ways to kind of use Excel as a nice little database entry form without having to have everybody have access or anything like that.
Well, hey.
I want to thank you for stopping by.
We’ll see you next time for another netcast from MrExcel.