[This Podcast Rendered at an Altitude of 33K Feet] A tip from Patricia today! Several ways to get those " $ " signs where you want them when working out your Forumula! Follow along with Bill in Episode #1573 to see how it's done!
...This blog is the video podcast companion to the book, Learn Excel 2007 through Excel 2010 from MrExcel. Download a new two minute video every workday to learn one of the 512 Excel Mysteries Solved! and 35% More Tips than the previous edition of Bill's book! Power Excel With MrExcel - 2017 Edition
"The Learn Excel from MrExcel Podcast Series"
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...This blog is the video podcast companion to the book, Learn Excel 2007 through Excel 2010 from MrExcel. Download a new two minute video every workday to learn one of the 512 Excel Mysteries Solved! and 35% More Tips than the previous edition of Bill's book! Power Excel With MrExcel - 2017 Edition
"The Learn Excel from MrExcel Podcast Series"
Visit us: MrExcel.com for all of your Microsoft Excel Needs!

Transcript of the video:
MrExcel Podcast is sponsored by Easy-XL.
Learn excel from MrExcel Podcast. Lock Formula in All Directions.
Hey, welcome back to the MrExcel netcast.
I’m Bill Jelen and today a tip sent in by Patricia.
Okay now, if using the F4 key to put the dollar signs in, so - you know, this really isn't something we would have to normally lockdown; but if you use the mouse to choose A1 to C6 and press F4, they put dollar signs throughout.
All right, simple enough.
Or, if you use the arrow keys, the old lotus arrow key method to choose A1 to C6 and press F4, they put the dollar signs throughout.
But if you're a person who just types a reference like this, A1:C6, and then you press F4, they only put the dollar signs on the C6; just a little bit frustrated that they don't accommodate the typers as well as they accommodate the other people.
And so, here was Patricia's trick: Patricia noticed that if she clicked on the left side-- anywhere on the left side of the colon and presses F4, it toggles that one address through the four states.
Or she clicks on the right side of the colon and presses F4, it toggles.
But Patricia's trick is if you choose the colon itself and then press F4, look!
It puts both sides, it toggles both sides at the same time.
So, kind of an interesting little trick there; now, I had always just selected the whole thing and pressed F4, which works as well.
But I guess the colon is a cooler way.
It's just kind of-- I was teaching a class once and most of the people in the class used Excel all the time.
There was one guy, who didn't use Excel at all; he was trying to follow along and he's like, “I want to get in the dollar signs on the last part”.
I asked him to do it again and that's when I discovered this whole-- I don't know if it's a bug or-- it just doesn't it doesn't seem to me that it's right, that if you are a typer instead of a mouse person, that they're not putting all the dollar signs in.
So, cool, cool trick from Patricia to help alleviate that problem.
Hey, I want to thank you for stopping by.
See you next time, for another netcast of MrExcel.
Learn excel from MrExcel Podcast. Lock Formula in All Directions.
Hey, welcome back to the MrExcel netcast.
I’m Bill Jelen and today a tip sent in by Patricia.
Okay now, if using the F4 key to put the dollar signs in, so - you know, this really isn't something we would have to normally lockdown; but if you use the mouse to choose A1 to C6 and press F4, they put dollar signs throughout.
All right, simple enough.
Or, if you use the arrow keys, the old lotus arrow key method to choose A1 to C6 and press F4, they put the dollar signs throughout.
But if you're a person who just types a reference like this, A1:C6, and then you press F4, they only put the dollar signs on the C6; just a little bit frustrated that they don't accommodate the typers as well as they accommodate the other people.
And so, here was Patricia's trick: Patricia noticed that if she clicked on the left side-- anywhere on the left side of the colon and presses F4, it toggles that one address through the four states.
Or she clicks on the right side of the colon and presses F4, it toggles.
But Patricia's trick is if you choose the colon itself and then press F4, look!
It puts both sides, it toggles both sides at the same time.
So, kind of an interesting little trick there; now, I had always just selected the whole thing and pressed F4, which works as well.
But I guess the colon is a cooler way.
It's just kind of-- I was teaching a class once and most of the people in the class used Excel all the time.
There was one guy, who didn't use Excel at all; he was trying to follow along and he's like, “I want to get in the dollar signs on the last part”.
I asked him to do it again and that's when I discovered this whole-- I don't know if it's a bug or-- it just doesn't it doesn't seem to me that it's right, that if you are a typer instead of a mouse person, that they're not putting all the dollar signs in.
So, cool, cool trick from Patricia to help alleviate that problem.
Hey, I want to thank you for stopping by.
See you next time, for another netcast of MrExcel.