Hi guys,
I got the codes from online resources, when i run it to do k-means clustering, it seems don't work as it should be (it should be a 6 columns x 4 rows table, but it only returns 5 columns x 3 rows table).
I have data in datasheet (worksheet) in 6 columns x 33 rows table.
Then, i have initial 4 centroids coordinates in activesheet G3:L6.
I want to return the results (new calculated centroid coordinates paste at range G7 as i indicated in the worksheet) by calculating from the datasheet data range (as i indicated int the worksheet too). Below are my parameter in the same activesheet to run the k-means clustering
[TABLE="width: 238"]
[TD="align: right"]150[/TD]
[TD]Data Sheet[/TD]
[TD]Data Range[/TD]
[TD]Output Sheet[/TD]
[TD]Output Range[/TD]
[TD]Initial Centr[/TD]
[TD]Output Centr[/TD]
I am not a originator of the code, but i would like to learn from code and know how to make it works. the codes are as follows:
I appreciate any help that i could have. Thank you in advance!
Thanks in advance,
I got the codes from online resources, when i run it to do k-means clustering, it seems don't work as it should be (it should be a 6 columns x 4 rows table, but it only returns 5 columns x 3 rows table).
I have data in datasheet (worksheet) in 6 columns x 33 rows table.
Then, i have initial 4 centroids coordinates in activesheet G3:L6.
I want to return the results (new calculated centroid coordinates paste at range G7 as i indicated in the worksheet) by calculating from the datasheet data range (as i indicated int the worksheet too). Below are my parameter in the same activesheet to run the k-means clustering
[TABLE="width: 238"]
[TD="align: right"]150[/TD]
[TD]Data Sheet[/TD]
[TD]Data Range[/TD]
[TD]Output Sheet[/TD]
[TD]Output Range[/TD]
[TD]Initial Centr[/TD]
[TD]Output Centr[/TD]
I am not a originator of the code, but i would like to learn from code and know how to make it works. the codes are as follows:
Rich (BB code):
Rich (BB code):
Sub kmeans()
'x main macro x'
'x get the initial centroid data
Dim InitCentrRange As String: InitCentrRange = ActiveSheet.Range("C7").Value
Dim InitialCentroids As Variant: InitialCentroids = ActiveSheet.Range(InitCentrRange)
'x get the number of max iterations
Dim MaxIt As Integer: MaxIt = ActiveSheet.Range("C2").Value
'x get the features data
Dim DataSht As String: DataSht = ActiveSheet.Range("C3").Value
Dim DataRange As String: DataRange = ActiveSheet.Range("C4").Value
Dim X As Variant: X = Worksheets(DataSht).Range(DataRange)
'x assign objects to centroids based on initial centroids
Dim my_idx As Variant: my_idx = FindClosestCentroid(X, InitialCentroids)
Dim J As Integer: J = UBound(X, 2) 'number of features
Dim K As Integer: K = UBound(InitialCentroids, 1) 'number of clusters
Dim M As Integer: M = UBound(X, 1) 'number of objects
Dim centroids As Variant
Dim ii As Integer: ii = 1
For ii = 1 To MaxIt
centroids = ComputeCentroids(X, my_idx, K)
my_idx = FindClosestCentroid(X, centroids)
Next ii
'x print the centroids
Dim outputRange As String: outputRange = ActiveSheet.Range("C8").Value
Range(outputRange).Resize(K, J).Value = centroids
'x print the cluster assignment next to data
Dim ClusterOutputSht As String: ClusterOutputSht = ActiveSheet.Range("C5").Value
Dim ClusterOutputRange As String: ClusterOutputRange = ActiveSheet.Range("C6").Value
Worksheets(ClusterOutputSht).Range(ClusterOutputRange).Resize(M, 1).Value = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(my_idx)
End Sub
Rich (BB code):
Public Function FindClosestCentroid(ByRef X As Variant, ByRef centroids As Variant) As Variant
'x Function loops through all observations and calculate the distance to all centroids x'
'x Function then returns an array with all the nearest centroids for each observation x'
Dim K As Integer: K = UBound(centroids, 1)
Dim J As Integer: J = UBound(centroids, 2)
Dim M As Integer: M = UBound(X, 1)
Dim idx() As Variant: ReDim idx(M) As Variant
Dim ii As Integer: ii = 1
Dim cc As Integer: cc = 1
'For eahc observation find the closest centroid
For ii = 1 To M
Dim Dist_min As Double: Dist_min = 1000000
Dim Dist As Double: Dist = 0
'for each K calculate the distance
For cc = 1 To K
Dist = EuclideanDistance(Application.Index(X, ii, 0), Application.Index(centroids, cc, 0), J)
If Dist < Dist_min Then
idx(ii) = cc
Dist_min = Dist
End If
Next cc
Next ii
FindClosestCentroid = idx()
End Function
Rich (BB code):
Public Function ComputeCentroids(X As Variant, idx As Variant, K As Variant) As Variant
'x Function that calculates the new centroid mean for each feature x'
Dim M As Integer: M = UBound(X, 1) 'number of objects
Dim J As Integer: J = UBound(X, 2) 'number of features
Dim ii As Integer: ii = 1
Dim cc As Integer: cc = 1
Dim bb As Integer: bb = 1
Dim counter As Integer: counter = 0
Dim centroids() As Variant: ReDim centroids(K, J) As Variant
Dim tempSum() As Variant
For ii = 1 To K 'for each centroid
For bb = 1 To J 'for each feature
counter = 0 'reset counter
For cc = 1 To M 'for each observation
If idx(cc) = ii Then 'for objects that below to this centroid calc the sum
centroids(ii, bb) = centroids(ii, bb) + X(cc, bb)
counter = counter + 1
End If
Next cc
If counter > 0 Then 'modified
centroids(ii, bb) = centroids(ii, bb) / counter 'divide sum by counter to get mean
Else 'modified
centroids(ii, bb) = 0 'modified
End If 'modified
Next bb
Next ii
ComputeCentroids = centroids
End Function
Rich (BB code):
Public Function EuclideanDistance(X As Variant, Y As Variant, num_obs As Integer) As Double
'x Function that calculates the euclidean distance between two vectors of size num_obs each x'
Dim ii As Integer: ii = 1
Dim RunningSumSqr As Double: RunningSumSqr = 0
For ii = 1 To num_obs
RunningSumSqr = RunningSumSqr + (X(ii) - Y(ii)) ^ 2
Next ii
EuclideanDistance = Sqr(RunningSumSqr)
End Function
I appreciate any help that i could have. Thank you in advance!
Thanks in advance,