Hello everyone,I'm still having issue with a previous post.I've made the changes to my Macro but I'm getting a invalid procedure or argument error when C9 = "OK to submit". The correct msg box appears when C9 reads "Fields left to complete"When I debugger it shows this line...I've checked it over and over but can't find a miss...(I was thinking maybe it wanted "If ans" but when I did that it just kept erroring as well. Your help is very much appreciated! This is for a process improvement motion I'm having at my company (I'm trying to show off all the things excel CAN do"Sub SendEmail()'use the MsgBox object to inform the userDim ans As VbMsgBoxResultIf Range("C9").Value Like "*OK to submit*" Then ans = MsgBox("Are you ready to submit CC refund request?", vbYesNo, "Company Credit Card Department", , "Clicking Yes will send an email to credit cards for processing of your CC refund request") If ans = vbYes Then ActiveWorkbook.SendMail "email@company.com", "CC refund request for" & Range("B17").ValueElse MsgBox "You have not completed all required fields."End IfEnd Sub</pre>