Hello all,
I'm indexing some text files to get some data and pull it into excel. The file format I'm pulling from is a ".txt". The issue I'm running into is when VBA pastes in the string from the data collection. The immediate window using debug.print shows exactly how I want to see my data in the cell (with spaces) - see below. While after the macro has run, the spaces have been moved out to the right. However, if I copy and paste into a word or text document, the format shows up as it does in the immediate window. Is there a way a can force VBA to preserve the spaces?
Any help is appreciated!
Debug.Print view: "6000____1111111111111111____ BB____M161001____K1____ 0____QD____20130611____ 20130710____0____22____ A"
Excel Worksheet view: "60001111111111111111BBM161001K10QD2013061120130710022A________________________________________"
*(underscores used as spaces)
I'm indexing some text files to get some data and pull it into excel. The file format I'm pulling from is a ".txt". The issue I'm running into is when VBA pastes in the string from the data collection. The immediate window using debug.print shows exactly how I want to see my data in the cell (with spaces) - see below. While after the macro has run, the spaces have been moved out to the right. However, if I copy and paste into a word or text document, the format shows up as it does in the immediate window. Is there a way a can force VBA to preserve the spaces?
Any help is appreciated!
Debug.Print view: "6000____1111111111111111____ BB____M161001____K1____ 0____QD____20130611____ 20130710____0____22____ A"
Excel Worksheet view: "60001111111111111111BBM161001K10QD2013061120130710022A________________________________________"
*(underscores used as spaces)
Function Qty_From_Txt(sFlocation, iFileIndex) As Collection
Set coll = New Collection
For i = 1 To iFileIndex
sFname = Sheets("Filenames").Cells(i + 5, 2).Value
sfilestring = sFlocation & sFname
Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
'Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set txtStream = fso.OpenTextFile(sfilestring, ForReading, False)
Do While Not txtStream.AtEndOfStream
sLineText = txtStream.ReadLine
If sLineText Like "6000*" Then
coll.Add sLineText
End If
Set Qty_From_Txt = coll
Next i
End Function
Sub Retrieve_Usage()
Dim Qty_coll As Collection
Dim sFlocation As String
iFileCount = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("B:B"))
sFlocation = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Control").Cells(7, 3).Value
If Right(sFlocation, 1) <> "\" Then
sFlocation = sFlocation & "\"
End If
Sheets("6000 - Quantity").Activate
Set Qty_coll = Qty_From_Txt(sFlocation, iFileCount)
Sheets("6000 - Quantity").Activate
'Dim sLine As Variant
'For Each sLine In Qty_coll
'PasteLine = sLine.Qty_coll
'ActiveCell.Value = PasteLine
'Next sLine
For i = 1 To Qty_coll.Count
pasteline = Qty_coll(i)
ActiveCell.Value = pasteline 'ISSUE OCCURS HERE
Next i
End Sub