Issues With Running xlsm files with Hyperion Add-In


New Member
Aug 18, 2014
I have created Microsoft Excel Macro Enabled (xlsm) files containing 195 lines of VBA code (teo subroutines, two functions) and total file sizes ranging from 162 kb to 205 kb.

The files run perfectly on my computer but when my boss runs it, it takes twice as long and then the screen freezes every time she moves the cursor (this happens after the "Update" VBA program of 127 lines has been executed and completed). The only difference I can tell between our two setups is that she has a laptop and I have a desktop and she has the Hyperion Add-In and I do not.

The "Update" VBA program subroutine opens two flat files and exchange rate files, populates hardcoded balance sheet values in local currency using DSUM function, populates hardcoded foreign exchange rates, then closes the flat files and exchange rate files. After the VBA program completes, no file linkage exists.

The other program subroutine ("SS_DrillDown") is not executed when the error occurs. This program populates one cell with a Spreadsheet Server function, activates the Spreadsheet Server drill down command, then clears the cell with the Spreadsheet Server function. Spreadsheet Server is a program that enables the user to perform account balance retrieval and drill down capabilities off an AS/400 ERP system. My boss and I both have the Spreadsheet Server add-in.

Any ideas to resolve this issue? Below is the VBA code:
Sub SS_DrillDown()
    SN = ActiveSheet.Name
    CA = ActiveCell.Address
    If SN = "Input" Or SN = "IS NOAM" Then MsgBox "You are not on a Drill Down sheet.": End
    If Range(CA).Column < 3 Or Range(CA).Column > 15 Then MsgBox "You are not on a Drill Down column.": End
    If Range(CA).Row < 7 Or Range("A" & Range(CA).Row).Value = 0 Then _
      MsgBox "You are not on a Drill Down row.": End
    RR = Range("A29").End(xlDown).Row
    YYYY = Range("B8").Value
    MM = Range("B9").Value
    BKA = Right(Range("M11").Value, 2)
    If SN = "BS USD" Then BKB = "USD": Range("M17").Value = "LTD"
    If SN = "BS CAD" Then BKB = "CAD": Range("M17").Value = "LTD"
    If SN = "BS MXN" Then BKB = "MEX": Range("M17").Value = "LTD"
    If Range("B5").Value = 1 Then BKC = "ACT"
    If Range("B5").Value = 2 Then BKC = "BUD"
    If Range("B5").Value = 3 Then BKC = "FOR"
    If Range("B5").Value = 4 Then BKC = "ACT": Range("B8").Value = Range("B8").Value - 1
    Range("M12").Value = BKA & BKB & BKC
    Range("B9").Value = Range("B9").Value + Range(CA).Column - 15
    If Range("B9").Value < 1 Then Range("B9").Value = Range("B9").Value + 12: _
      Range("B8").Value = Range("B8").Value - 1
    DC = "[": AC = "["
    For I = 29 To RR
        If Range("A" & I).Value = Range(CA).Row Then
            If Len(AC) > 1 Then DC = DC & ",": AC = AC & ","
            Range("M13").Formula = "=""[""&TEXT($C$" & I & ",""00"")&"".""&TEXT($D$" & I & ",""00"")&""]"""
            Range("M14").Formula = "=""[""&TEXT($E$" & I & ",""000"")&"".""&TEXT($F$" & I & ",""000"")&""]"""
            Range("M15").Formula = "=TEXT($G$" & I & ",""00000"")&"".""&TEXT($H$" & I & ",""00000"")"
            Range("M16").Formula = "=TEXT($I$" & I & ",""000000"")&"".""&TEXT($J$" & I & ",""000000"")"
            DC = DC & Range("M15").Value: AC = AC & Range("M16").Value
        End If
    Next I
    If AC = "[" Then MsgBox "You are not on a Drill Down row.": GoTo BADROW
    Range("M15").Value = DC & "]": Range("M16").Value = AC & "]"
    Range("M18").Formula = "=GXl($M$11,$M$12,""0"",$B$8,$M$17,$B$9,$M$13,$M$14,$M$15,$M$16)"
    Run ("'GSI_BPCSSSERVER.xla'!Drilldown")
    Range("B8").Value = YYYY
    Range("B9").Value = MM
End Sub

Sub Update()
    Dim HDN As String, HFN As String, FFD As String, FFF As String
    Dim FXD As String, FXF As String, FXCYF As String, FXPYF As String, FXP As String
' Identifies home directory name (HDN) and home file name (HFN) and stores them in Excel.
    Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic
    HDN = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
    HFN = ActiveWorkbook.Name
    HDN = Left(HDN, Len(HDN) - Len(HFN))
    ChDrive (Left(HDN, 1))
    ChDir HDN
    Sheets("BS NOAM").Select
    TR = Range("B7").SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row
    Range("C1").Value = HDN
    Range("H1").Value = HFN
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False   ' Turns screen updating off
    FFD = Range("C2").Value
    FFF = " " & Range("H2").Value
    FXD = Range("C3").Value
    FXCYF = Range("B8").Value & " " & Range("H3").Value
    FXPYF = Range("B8").Value - 1 & " " & Range("H3").Value
    LDGR = Range("H4").Value
    BOOK = Range("B5").Value
    If Range("B6").Value = 1 Then FXP = "Actual"
    If Range("B6").Value = 2 Then FXP = "Plan"
    If Range("B6").Value = 3 Then FXP = "Plan"
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    If IsOpen(FXCYF) Then Else Workbooks.Open Filename:=FXD & FXCYF
    If IsOpen(FXPYF) Then Else Workbooks.Open Filename:=FXD & FXPYF
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    Range("E7").Formula = "=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(B7,'[" & FXPYF & "]" & FXP & "'!$A:$A,1,FALSE)),1,0)"
    If Range("Input!E7").Value = 1 Then Range("Input!B7").Value = "LC"
    Application.StatusBar = "Building Foreign Exchange and Flat File formulas ..."
    For P = 0 To 12
        YYYY = Range("B8").Value
        MM = Range("B9").Value + P
        If MM > 12 Then MM = MM - 12: FXF = FXCYF Else YYYY = YYYY - 1: FXF = FXPYF
        If Range("B6").Value = 2 Then FXF = FXCYF
        If Range("B6").Value = 3 Then FXF = FXPYF
' Build Foreign Exchange Rates
        Range(Chr(P + 69) & "7").Formula = "=IF(B7=""LC"",1," & _
          "VLOOKUP(D7,'[" & FXF & "]" & FXP & "'!$A:$AA," & MM + 3 & ",FALSE)/" & _
          "VLOOKUP(B7,'[" & FXF & "]" & FXP & "'!$A:$AA," & MM + 3 & ",FALSE))"
        Range(Chr(P + 69) & "7").Value = Range("" & Chr(P + 69) & "7").Value
        Range(Chr(P + 69) & "8").Formula = "=IF(B7=""LC"",1," & _
          "VLOOKUP(D8,'[" & FXF & "]" & FXP & "'!$A:$AA," & MM + 3 & ",FALSE)/" & _
          "VLOOKUP(B7,'[" & FXF & "]" & FXP & "'!$A:$AA," & MM + 3 & ",FALSE))"
        Range(Chr(P + 69) & "8").Value = Range("" & Chr(P + 69) & "8").Value
        Range(Chr(P + 69) & "9").Formula = "=IF(B7=""LC"",1," & _
          "VLOOKUP(D9,'[" & FXF & "]" & FXP & "'!$A:$AA," & MM + 3 & ",FALSE)/" & _
          "VLOOKUP(B7,'[" & FXF & "]" & FXP & "'!$A:$AA," & MM + 3 & ",FALSE))"
        Range("" & Chr(P + 69) & "9").Value = Range("" & Chr(P + 69) & "9").Value
' Build Headers
        Range("'BS NOAM'!" & Chr(P + 67) & 5).Value = MM
        If MM > 6 Then Range("'BS NOAM'!" & Chr(P + 67) & 6).Value = YYYY _
          Else Range("'BS NOAM'!" & Chr(P + 67) & 6).Value = YYYY - 1
        If IsOpen(YYYY & FFF) Then Else Workbooks.Open Filename:=FFD & YYYY & FFF
' Build DSUM's for Flat File
        If MM > 7 Then CC = "A" & Chr(MM + 57) Else CC = Chr(MM + 83)
        Range(Chr(P + 69) & "20").Formula = _
          "=DSUM('[" & YYYY & FFF & "]" & Range("D20").Value & "'!$A:$AE,'[" _
          & YYYY & FFF & "]" & Range("D20").Value & "'!$" & CC & "$1,$A$24:$H$25)"
        Range(Chr(P + 69) & "21").Formula = _
          "=DSUM('[" & YYYY & FFF & "]" & Range("D21").Value & "'!$A:$AE,'[" _
          & YYYY & FFF & "]" & Range("D21").Value & "'!$" & CC & "$1,$A$24:$H$25)"
        Range(Chr(P + 69) & "22").Formula = _
          "=DSUM('[" & YYYY & FFF & "]" & Range("D22").Value & "'!$A:$AE,'[" _
          & YYYY & FFF & "]" & Range("D22").Value & "'!$" & CC & "$1,$A$24:$H$25)"
        RR = Range("A29").End(xlDown).Row
    Next P
    Application.StatusBar = "Clearing balance sheets ..."
    For I = 29 To RR
        Range("'BS USD'!C" & Range("A" & I).Value).Value = 0
        Range("'BS CAD'!C" & Range("A" & I).Value).Value = 0
        Range("'BS MXN'!C" & Range("A" & I).Value).Value = 0
    Next I
    Range("'BS USD'!C7:C" & TR).Copy Range("'BS USD'!C7:O" & TR)
    Range("'BS CAD'!C7:C" & TR).Copy Range("'BS CAD'!C7:O" & TR)
    Range("'BS MXN'!C7:C" & TR).Copy Range("'BS MXN'!C7:O" & TR)
    For I = 29 To RR
    Application.StatusBar = "Populating balance sheets, Row " & Range("A" & I).Value & " ..."
        Range("A25").Value = ">=" & Range("C" & I).Value
        Range("B25").Value = "<=" & Range("D" & I).Value
        Range("C25").Value = ">=" & Range("E" & I).Value
        Range("D25").Value = "<=" & Range("F" & I).Value
        Range("E25").Value = ">=" & Range("G" & I).Value
        Range("F25").Value = "<=" & Range("H" & I).Value
        Range("G25").Value = ">=" & Range("I" & I).Value
        Range("H25").Value = "<=" & Range("J" & I).Value
        For P = 0 To 12
            If Range("K" & I).Value = "-" Then
                Range("'BS USD'!" & Chr(P + 67) & Range("A" & I).Value).Value = _
                  Range("'BS USD'!" & Chr(P + 67) & Range("A" & I).Value).Value _
                  - Range(Chr(P + 69) & "20").Value
                Range("'BS CAD'!" & Chr(P + 67) & Range("A" & I).Value).Value = _
                  Range("'BS CAD'!" & Chr(P + 67) & Range("A" & I).Value).Value _
                  - Range(Chr(P + 69) & "21").Value
                Range("'BS MXN'!" & Chr(P + 67) & Range("A" & I).Value).Value = _
                  Range("'BS MXN'!" & Chr(P + 67) & Range("A" & I).Value).Value _
                  - Range(Chr(P + 69) & "22").Value
                Range("'BS USD'!" & Chr(P + 67) & Range("A" & I).Value).Value = _
                  Range("'BS USD'!" & Chr(P + 67) & Range("A" & I).Value).Value _
                  + Range(Chr(P + 69) & "20").Value
                Range("'BS CAD'!" & Chr(P + 67) & Range("A" & I).Value).Value = _
                  Range("'BS CAD'!" & Chr(P + 67) & Range("A" & I).Value).Value _
                  + Range(Chr(P + 69) & "21").Value
                Range("'BS MXN'!" & Chr(P + 67) & Range("A" & I).Value).Value = _
                  Range("'BS MXN'!" & Chr(P + 67) & Range("A" & I).Value).Value _
                  + Range(Chr(P + 69) & "22").Value
            End If
        Next P
    Next I
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True   ' Turns screen updating back on
    Application.StatusBar = False       ' Resets Status Bar to "Ready"
    MsgBox "*** DONE ***"
End Sub

Function IsSheet(SheetName As String) As Boolean
    Dim WS As Worksheet
    For Each WS In Application.Worksheets
        If UCase(WS.Name) = UCase(SheetName) Then
            IsSheet = True
            Exit Function
        End If
    Next WS
    IsSheet = False
End Function

Function IsOpen(BookName As String) As Boolean
    Dim WB As Workbook
    For Each WB In Application.Workbooks
        If UCase(WB.Name) = UCase(BookName) Then
            IsOpen = True
            Exit Function
        End If
    Next WB
    IsOpen = False
End Function
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