I'm testing my VBA code(s) for a conversion from 2007 to 2016. All seems to work well, except for the following:
My Access db opens Excel creates a document/tab and also tries to Freeze the top row of each sheet. The code works perfectly in 2007, but in 2016 I get an error that says 'Unable to set the FreezePanes Property of the Window class.'
When debugging, I hover over .FreezePanes and the current value is False.
Any idea(s) why?
My Access db opens Excel creates a document/tab and also tries to Freeze the top row of each sheet. The code works perfectly in 2007, but in 2016 I get an error that says 'Unable to set the FreezePanes Property of the Window class.'
With xlApp.ActiveWindow
.SplitColumn = 0
.SplitRow = 1
.FreezePanes = True
End With
When debugging, I hover over .FreezePanes and the current value is False.
Any idea(s) why?
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