I had prepared a table in excel sheet (in excel 2016) for data collection. I had locked the heading cells and unlocked all other cells in the table. Then I had password protected the sheet.
When I sent it to others, some of them copied data from their word file (word 2007 and later) and pasted the matter in the excel cells which were meant for data entry. It was getting copied, but those cells were getting automatically locked for any editing.
Is there any setting to be changed for preventing the cells from getting locked on pasting from word.
I had prepared a table in excel sheet (in excel 2016) for data collection. I had locked the heading cells and unlocked all other cells in the table. Then I had password protected the sheet.
When I sent it to others, some of them copied data from their word file (word 2007 and later) and pasted the matter in the excel cells which were meant for data entry. It was getting copied, but those cells were getting automatically locked for any editing.
Is there any setting to be changed for preventing the cells from getting locked on pasting from word.