Working on a small calculator which will hopefully allow me to save a ton of time with my daily tasks. The spreadsheet in question is supposed to help me determine if any of my truck drivers are outside of the legal limit for on duty hours. Basically, my spreadsheet is divided into rows of 96 small cells, each of which represents a 15 minute increment of a 24 hr work day. There are 4 rows of 96 cells for each day. Rows are divided for "Off Duty", "Sleeper", "Driving" and "On Duty" time. Now, in this block of 4x96 cells, I enter a symbol into each cell representing 15 minutes for each 15 minutes worked, depending on the status of the driver for that given time. For example, if my driver woke up at 8am, prepared the truck until 8:30am and drove from 8:30am to 9pm, then was "off duty" from 9pm until the end of the day, I would enter a symbol for each cell leading up to 8am under the Off Duty row (because he was off duty until 8am), a symbol in the 8am - 8:30am cells under "on duty" (because he was on the clock but not driving at the time), a symbol in each cell between 8:30 and 9pm under driving (because he was in fact driving at this time) and finally a symbol for the remaining cells of that day under the off duty row (because he was off the clock again). Now, what I need is a formula which will allow me to count a set of symbols ("x" in this case) only if the row contains over 11hrs of driving (or 40 cells in this case) without a break. So in other words, I need to count the cells containing a symbol (x) only if there are 40+ symbols in a row without any interruptions. Is this even possible? I can post the spreadsheet if I find out how... I know there are simpler ways of doing this calculation without using symbols for 15 minute increments but this would be greatly helpful because it allows us to have a visual review of the logbook as well as calculate the time driven. It also makes it much easier to enter the data (believe it or not). Many thanks!!! Let me know if I can email the spreadsheet to any of you. A printscreen image is below.