I have a 30-MB file (8 sheets, some with 80,000 rows) I try to keep as trim and nimble as possible, but it's gotten really laggy and crashes frequently now. I'm rebuilding it from scratch and hoping to discover ways to improve some processes that perhaps I've been doing a dumb/slow way. The one I use most often is a copy/paste-formulas/copy/paste-values process, because with 80,000+ rows, I try to keep as much of the sheet hardcoded wherever possible. So a typical snippet of VBA looks like this:
Hopefully it's self-explanatory, but it:
1. Is there any Excel function that -- in a single step -- will paste the hardcoded RESULTS of formulas, rather than the live formula itself? Theoretically that would eliminate step #3 above, and I wouldn't have to copy the target D2:N80000 range and paste-values. I don't think so, but if there is, that might cut this process in half.
2. Is there a smart way to instead accomplish the above with VBA where...like, all the calculations are done "in memory" or something? My code above essentially just automates the copy/paste-down/hardcode-values process (with screen-updating turned off), but can I somehow use VBA to, I dunno, make all of those calculations happen in the background rather than in the Sheet cells themselves, and just have the RESULTS pasted in the target range?
Open to any and all ideas!!
VBA Code:
Sub CPHC()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With Sheets("cad")
.Range(Range("pasterange.C").Value).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormulas, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
.Range(Range("pasterange.C").Value).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
- Copies a range (e.g. "formula_source" = D1:N1) that has the formula I want to paste to 80,000 rows
- Pastes the formula to the desired range I need to run calculations on (e.g. D2:N80000)
- Then Copies/Pastes that target range (D2:N80000) so that those values are hardcoded, not live formulas (otherwise, I'd have 80,000 formulas recalculating all the time, and the file would be unusable.)
1. Is there any Excel function that -- in a single step -- will paste the hardcoded RESULTS of formulas, rather than the live formula itself? Theoretically that would eliminate step #3 above, and I wouldn't have to copy the target D2:N80000 range and paste-values. I don't think so, but if there is, that might cut this process in half.
2. Is there a smart way to instead accomplish the above with VBA where...like, all the calculations are done "in memory" or something? My code above essentially just automates the copy/paste-down/hardcode-values process (with screen-updating turned off), but can I somehow use VBA to, I dunno, make all of those calculations happen in the background rather than in the Sheet cells themselves, and just have the RESULTS pasted in the target range?
Open to any and all ideas!!