I will admit I am not a excel savvy person, so I could really use some help. Currently all of my inventory is saved to an excel 2010 spreadsheet, about 162 items. Each item has an ID number & description. Also on the spreadsheet are the quantities in my 2 locations and lastly the unit of measure for reordering each item. Every item has a manufacturer barcode on the product and my goal is to be able to scan that barcode which would then link to the ID number to have the quantity in that location auto update... Is that possible? I have spend most of my day today reading through these forums, it seems possible but they all are just over my head. I have found a barcode generator online, if I can get this to work my overall goal is to give each location a barcode ID so I can then have a room by room inventory. Long story short I want to get the ID number to link to the barcode that comes on the product. That is the main hurdle, if its possible to also get the quantities to auto update as I scan things then fantastic! But I will take whatever help I can get. Am I going beyond what excel is capable of?