Hello All, thanks in advance for your time.
I am having one of those days where I just am having the worst time trying to wrap my head around completing this task.
I've searched google and the forums to try and find someone with a similar question - but couldn't find anything.
I basically need to take a file, that is tabbed out by month, and integrate it into another sheet, tabbed out by month, that contains a pretty little calendar.
Forgive me as a format lost my addon to display my worksheets properly in the forum.
The Data XLS is laid out something like this:
File 1 (Data)
Record A
Record B
etc etc
This data is on 12 sheets, Jan - Dec
I need to have the data reside here, then flow over to the visual calendar so that I am not updating the same data in 2 different places (thats when issues always happen).
I've played with Macros in the past, but I'm no where near where I should, need and want to be with them.
I need something that goes into the other file on the defined sheet, says "O Look! This is April 2nd, so this line of data needs to go in that little April 2nd box!". I will hardkey each box in if I need to, it will last for the year and is well worth the work.
Any ideas?
As always, grateful for the generous folks that spend so much time helping people like me out.
I am having one of those days where I just am having the worst time trying to wrap my head around completing this task.
I've searched google and the forums to try and find someone with a similar question - but couldn't find anything.
I basically need to take a file, that is tabbed out by month, and integrate it into another sheet, tabbed out by month, that contains a pretty little calendar.
Forgive me as a format lost my addon to display my worksheets properly in the forum.
The Data XLS is laid out something like this:
File 1 (Data)
Record A
Record B
etc etc
This data is on 12 sheets, Jan - Dec
I need to have the data reside here, then flow over to the visual calendar so that I am not updating the same data in 2 different places (thats when issues always happen).
I've played with Macros in the past, but I'm no where near where I should, need and want to be with them.
I need something that goes into the other file on the defined sheet, says "O Look! This is April 2nd, so this line of data needs to go in that little April 2nd box!". I will hardkey each box in if I need to, it will last for the year and is well worth the work.
Any ideas?
As always, grateful for the generous folks that spend so much time helping people like me out.