Hi all,
I have a legacy macro that is used to read data from an excel file to a linked file to get info in to an Access database. The source files are protected, and I don't know where to find the passwords, but I need to get more of the information out of the source file and in to my database. Currently, my macro records the "SQL Strings" (generated by formulas in the source files), and I have had to use string expressions to get the "RequestID" and "payroll amount" in to the database.
My solution is to insert excel formulas into new columns of the linked file to recreate the values I need. The request ID is just a timestamp and the row number of the item in the source sheet. For example, the rows of interest begin on Row 6, and the number of items varies daily. So I would have RequestID's of 061920180006 and 061920180007 if I had two items today. The payroll amount looks for items that have the same reference number, and if so, sums all the matching amounts with sumif. My starting points are two of the formulas that are used within a larger formula to construct the "SQL Strings". They are:
Here is the VBA I am working on. How can I rewrite the two formulas above to reference the source file, recreate the data and write the information to new columns in the link file?
I have a legacy macro that is used to read data from an excel file to a linked file to get info in to an Access database. The source files are protected, and I don't know where to find the passwords, but I need to get more of the information out of the source file and in to my database. Currently, my macro records the "SQL Strings" (generated by formulas in the source files), and I have had to use string expressions to get the "RequestID" and "payroll amount" in to the database.
My solution is to insert excel formulas into new columns of the linked file to recreate the values I need. The request ID is just a timestamp and the row number of the item in the source sheet. For example, the rows of interest begin on Row 6, and the number of items varies daily. So I would have RequestID's of 061920180006 and 061920180007 if I had two items today. The payroll amount looks for items that have the same reference number, and if so, sums all the matching amounts with sumif. My starting points are two of the formulas that are used within a larger formula to construct the "SQL Strings". They are:
Here is the VBA I am working on. How can I rewrite the two formulas above to reference the source file, recreate the data and write the information to new columns in the link file?
Private Sub PullTheGoods()
Dim archiveFolder As String: archiveFolder = "C:\Users\Alcidious\Desktop\DBFiles\"
Dim yearFolder, monthFolder As String
Dim wbfmacro, wbflink, wbfErrors, wbfStats As Workbook
Dim wsfmacro, wsflink, wsfErrors, wsfStats As Worksheet
Dim fMacro, flink, fErrors, fCLT As String
Dim tmpQty As Integer
Dim tmpAmt As Double
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
flink = "C:\Users\Alcidious\Desktop\DBFiles\ImportLink.xlsx"
fErrors = "C:\Users\Alcidious\Desktop\DBFiles\ErrorsLink.xlsx"
fStats = "C:\Users\Alcidious\Desktop\DBFiles\ImportStatLink.xlsx"
Set wbfmacro = ThisWorkbook
Set wsfmacro = wbfmacro.Worksheets(1)
fCLT = wsfmacro.Range("b1").Value
'open and clean up import link
Set wbflink = Workbooks.Open(flink)
Set wsflink = wbflink.Worksheets(1)
lastrowLink = wsflink.Rows.Range("c65536").End(xlUp).Row: lastrowLinkEnd = lastrowLink
wsflink.Rows("2:600000").Delete Shift:=xlUp
'open and clean up error link
Set wbfErrors = Workbooks.Open(fErrors)
Set wsfErrors = wbfErrors.Worksheets(1)
wsfErrors.Rows("2:2").Delete Shift:=xlUp
wsfErrors.Range("A2").Value = CDate(Format(Now(), "MM/DD/YY"))
'open and clean up stats link
Set wbfStats = Workbooks.Open(fStats)
Set wsfStats = wbfStats.Worksheets(1)
wsfStats.Range("C2:D13").Value = 0
'process daily file
If fCLT <> "NO!" Then
On Error GoTo CLTError
tmpQty = 0
tmpAmt = 0
yearFolder = archiveFolder & "CLT\" & Year(Now): If Len(Dir(yearFolder, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then MkDir (yearFolder)
monthFolder = yearFolder & "\" & MonthName(Month(Now)): If Len(Dir(monthFolder, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then MkDir (monthFolder)
' first step is to save working copy of folder
Dim wbCLT As Workbook
Dim wsCLT As Worksheet
'Dim lastrowCLT As Range
Set wbCLT = Workbooks.Open(fCLT)
wbCLT.SaveAs monthFolder & "\CLT " & Format(Now, "YYYY-MM-DD HH.NN.SS") & ".xlsx"
Set wsCLT = wbCLT.Sheets("Detail")
lastrowCLT = wsCLT.Rows.Range("b1000").End(xlUp).Row
lastrowLink = wsflink.Rows.Range("a65000").End(xlUp).Row
wsCLT.Range("A6:A" & lastrowCLT).Copy 'funding src
wsflink.Range("A" & lastrowLink + 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
wsCLT.Range("D6:D" & lastrowCLT).Copy 'PlanCode
wsflink.Range("B" & lastrowLink + 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
wsCLT.Range("G6:G" & lastrowCLT).Copy 'part uid
wsflink.Range("C" & lastrowLink + 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
wsCLT.Range("F6:F" & lastrowCLT).Copy 'amt
wsflink.Range("D" & lastrowLink + 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
wsCLT.Range("E6:E" & lastrowCLT).Copy 'ref#
wsflink.Range("E" & lastrowLink + 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
wsCLT.Range("J6:J" & lastrowCLT).Copy 'sql
wsflink.Range("G" & lastrowLink + 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
lastrowLinkEnd = wsflink.Rows.Range("a65000").End(xlUp).Row
wsflink.Range("F" & lastrowLink + 1 & ":F" & lastrowLinkEnd).Value = "CLT"
For j = 6 To lastrowCLT
wsflink.Range("H" & lastrowLink + 1 & ":H" & lastrowLinkEnd).Formula = "=TEXT(NOW(),""MMDDYYYY"")&TEXT(wsCLT.Range(R" & j & "),""0000"")"
wsflink.Range("I" & lastrowLink + 1 & ":I" & lastrowLinkEnd).FormulaR1C1 = "=TEXT(SUMIF(wsCLT.Range(C5),wsCLT.Range(RC5),wsCLT.Range(C4),""0.00"")"
Next j
tmpQty = wsCLT.Range("E4").Value
tmpAmt = Abs(wsCLT.Range("F4").Value)
wbCLT.Close False
wsfStats.Range("C2").Value = tmpQty
wsfStats.Range("D2").Value = tmpAmt
Set wbCLT = Nothing
Set wsCLT = Nothing
End If
'save and close link files
wsflink.Columns("C:C").NumberFormat = "@"
Set wsflink = Nothing
Set wsfErrors = Nothing
Set wsfStats = Nothing
wbflink.Close True
wbfErrors.Close True
wbfStats.Close True
Set wbflink = Nothing
Set wbfErrors = Nothing
Set wbfStats = Nothing
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Exit Sub
'error handling below
wsfErrors.Range("B2").Value = "ERROR"
wsfErrors.Range("M2").Value = "ERROR"
GoTo Finish
End Sub