Sub test()
Dim p As PivotTable, pf As PivotField, s$, arr, i%, j%
Set p = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("pivot3")
s = "": j = 0
For Each pf In p.PivotFields
s = s & SelPFSubT(pf) & ","
arr = Split(s, ",")
For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
If Len(arr(i)) > 2 Then
MsgBox arr(i)
j = j + 1
If j > 10 Then Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Function GetPISubTRanges(pvtItem As Excel.PivotItem) As Excel.Range()
' by @sumbuddy
Dim pvt As PivotTable, pvtField As PivotField, cell As Excel.Range, ItemTester As PivotItem
Dim PISubTRng() As Excel.Range
If Not pvtItem.Visible Then Exit Function
Set pvt = pvtItem.DataRange.Cells(1).PivotTable
Set pvtField = pvtItem.Parent
'Cells with subtotal PivotCellType are in ColumnRange or RowRange
For Each cell In Union(pvt.ColumnRange, pvt.RowRange)
Set ItemTester = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
'Only test cells with an associated PivotItem
Set ItemTester = cell.PivotItem
On Error GoTo 0
With cell.PivotCell
If Not ItemTester Is Nothing Then
If (.PivotCellType = xlPivotCellSubtotal Or .PivotCellType = xlPivotCellCustomSubtotal) _
And cell.PivotField.DataRange.Address = pvtField.DataRange.Address And _
cell.PivotItem.DataRange.Address = pvtItem.DataRange.Address Then
RedimRanges PISubTRng
If pvtField.Orientation = xlColumnField Then
Set PISubTRng(UBound(PISubTRng)) = Intersect(cell.EntireColumn, pvt.DataBodyRange)
ElseIf pvtField.Orientation = xlRowField Then
Set PISubTRng(UBound(PISubTRng)) = Intersect(cell.EntireRow, pvt.DataBodyRange)
End If
End If
End If
End With
GetPISubTRanges = PISubTRng
End Function
Sub RedimRanges(ByRef SubTDRng() As Excel.Range)
If IsArrayEmpty(SubTDRng) Then
ReDim SubTDRng(1 To 1)
ReDim Preserve SubTDRng(LBound(SubTDRng) To UBound(SubTDRng) + 1)
End If
End Sub
Public Function IsArrayEmpty(arr) As Boolean
'Chip Pearson
Dim LB As Long, UB&
On Error Resume Next
If IsArray(arr) = False Then
' we weren't passed an array, return True
IsArrayEmpty = True
End If
UB = UBound(arr, 1)
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
IsArrayEmpty = True
LB = LBound(arr)
If LB > UB Then
IsArrayEmpty = True
IsArrayEmpty = False
End If
End If
End Function
Function SelPFSubT$(pvtField As PivotField)
Dim pvtItem As Excel.PivotItem, PISubTRng() As Excel.Range
Dim PFSubT As Excel.Range, i&
If Not PFSubTVisible(pvtField) Then GoTo exit_point
For Each pvtItem In pvtField.PivotItems
If pvtItem.RecordCount > 0 Then
PISubTRng = GetPISubTRanges(pvtItem)
For i = LBound(PISubTRng) To UBound(PISubTRng)
If PFSubT Is Nothing Then
Set PFSubT = PISubTRng(i)
Set PFSubT = Union(PFSubT, PISubTRng(i))
End If
End If
SelPFSubT = PFSubT.Address
End Function
Function PFSubTVisible(pvtFieldToCheck As Excel.PivotField) As Boolean
Dim pvt As Excel.PivotTable, cell As Excel.Range
With pvtFieldToCheck
'Only row and column fields can show subtotals,
If Not (.Orientation = xlColumnField Or .Orientation = xlRowField) Then GoTo exit_point
Set pvt = .Parent
For Each cell In Union(pvt.ColumnRange, pvt.RowRange)
If cell.PivotCell.PivotCellType = xlPivotCellSubtotal Or _
cell.PivotCell.PivotCellType = xlPivotCellCustomSubtotal Then
If cell.PivotCell.PivotField.Name = .Name Then
PFSubTVisible = True
GoTo exit_point
End If
End If
End With
End Function