I want to insert an additonal IF statement into the formula below.
i.e.) League=B15 - (League is the name of my named range)
I want it to work like an IF(AND
..just need to make sure I insert in the right spot.
{=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(Teams=B16,IF(Divisions<>"",MATCH(Divisions,Divisions,0))),ROW(Divisions)-ROW('Main Page'!$I$7)+1),1))}
i.e.) League=B15 - (League is the name of my named range)
I want it to work like an IF(AND
..just need to make sure I insert in the right spot.
{=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(Teams=B16,IF(Divisions<>"",MATCH(Divisions,Divisions,0))),ROW(Divisions)-ROW('Main Page'!$I$7)+1),1))}