Hi everyone
I have the following code which is set to perform a unit conversion (multiple a cell value by a user input) on cells with specific text. The code works great except when the input number is less than zero; the problem being that the application.input drops everything after the decimal. Any idea how I can fix this?
I have the following code which is set to perform a unit conversion (multiple a cell value by a user input) on cells with specific text. The code works great except when the input number is less than zero; the problem being that the application.input drops everything after the decimal. Any idea how I can fix this?
Rich (BB code):
Public Sub Datatable_conversion()
Dim cell As Range, Rng As Range
Dim r, c, Math As LongDim i As Integer
Dim values() As Variant
Dim tempval As String, output As String, NDq As String
Set Rng = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Please select the range to be converted." & Chr(10) & "(*Only select detections and non-detects*)", Title:="Range of Values", Type:=8)
NDq = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Please enter the non-detect qualifier (i.e. ND<)", Title:="Non-detect Qualifier", Type:=2)
'Ask for range and set array
If Not Rng Is Nothing Then
values = Rng
MsgBox ("Please enter a range.")
GoTo begin
End If
'Ask for conversion factor
Math = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Please enter the conversion factor that will be used to multiply the range by.", Title:="Conversion Factor", Type:=1)
If Math < 0 Then
MsgBox ("Please enter a conversion factor.")
GoTo begin
End If
answer = MsgBox("Convert detections as well?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Convert Detections")
'Set number of rows
For r = LBound(values, 1) To UBound(values, 1)
'Set number of columns
For c = LBound(values, 2) To UBound(values, 2)
output = vbNullString
If Not IsEmpty(values(r, c)) And Not IsError(values(r, c)) Then
If InStr(1, values(r, c), NDq) Then
For i = 1 To Len(values(r, c))
tempval = Mid$(values(r, c), i, 1)
If tempval Like "[0-9]" Then
output = output & tempval
End If
values(r, c) = "ND<" & (output * Math)
If answer = vbYes Then: values(r, c) = values(r, c) / Math
End If
End If
'Output array
Rng = values
End Sub