I want to use the vbOKCancel with the inputbox. Is it possible ??
Something like when InputBox prompts …. if I chose Cancel then Exit Sub
In the current code the Cancel button won’t do anything
Thank u all
Something like when InputBox prompts …. if I chose Cancel then Exit Sub
In the current code the Cancel button won’t do anything
Thank u all
If Cells.Find(What:="11 - 11", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:= _
xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=True) Is Nothing Then
D11ans = ""
D11ans = " 11"
End If
If D11ans <> "" Then
D_Ans_Option = InputBox("Differences found for the following type of doc:" & D11ans)
End If
If D_Ans_Option = "" Then
D_Ans_Option = InputBox(" Please make one of the following selection : " & D11ans)
Loop While D_Ans_Option = ""
End If