input box to the first cell in trget range
msgbox 1 to the second cell
mgbox2 to third and so on.
msgbox 1 to the second cell
mgbox2 to third and so on.
VBA Code:
Sub Checklist()
Dim currenttime As Date
Dim targetrange As Range
currenttime = Time
If currenttime >= TimeValue("7:00:00") And currenttime <= TimeValue("9:00:00") Then
Set targetrange = Range("F5, D14, D16, D18, D21, D23, D26, D28, D30, D33, D36")
ElseIf currenttime >= TimeValue("9:15:00") And currenttime <= TimeValue("11:30:00") Then
Set targetrange = Range("L5, F14, F16, F18, F21, F23, F26, F28, F30, F33, F36")
ElseIf currenttime >= TimeValue("12:00:00") And currenttime <= TimeValue("14:00:00") Then
Set targetrange = Range("F7, H14, H16, H18, H21, H23, H26, H28, H30, H33, H36")
ElseIf currenttime >= TimeValue("14:15:00") And currenttime <= TimeValue("16:00:00") Then
Set targetrange = Range("L7, J14, J16, J18, J21, J23, J26, J28, J30, J33, J36")
ElseIf currenttime >= TimeValue("16:15:00") And currenttime <= TimeValue("18:00:00") Then
Set targetrange = Range("F9, L14, L16, L18, L21, L23, L26, L28, L30, L33, L36")
ElseIf currenttime >= TimeValue("18:30:00") And currenttime <= TimeValue("21:00:00") Then
Set targetrange = Range("L9, N14, N16, N18, N21, N23, N26, N28, N30, N33, N36")
ElseIf currenttime >= TimeValue("21:30:00") And currenttime <= TimeValue("24:00:00") Then
Set targetrange = Range("F11, P14, P16, P18, P21, P23, P26, P28, P30, P33, P36")
MsgBox "No action to take at this time."
Exit Sub
End If
a = InputBox(" Lead name?")
targetrange = a
Dim response As VbMsgBoxResult
response = MsgBox("Full?", vbQuestion + vbYesNoCancel)
Select Case response
Case vbYes
targetrange = "pass"
Case vbNo
targetrange = "fail"
Case vbCancel
targetrange = "N.A"
End Select
response = MsgBox(" full?", vbQuestion + vbYesNoCancel)
Select Case response
Case vbYes
targetrange = "pass"
Case vbNo
targetrange = "fail"
Case vbCancel
targetrange = "N.A"
End Select
response = MsgBox("Full?", vbQuestion + vbYesNoCancel)
Select Case response
Case vbYes
targetrange = "pass"
Case vbNo
targetrange = "fail"
Case vbCancel
targetrange = "N.A"
End Select
response = MsgBox("Ready?", vbQuestion + vbYesNoCancel)
Select Case response
Case vbYes
targetrange = "pass"
Case vbNo
targetrange = "fail"
Case vbCancel
targetrange = "N.A"
End Select
response = MsgBox("5?", vbQuestion + vbYesNoCancel)
Select Case response
Case vbYes
targetrange = "pass"
Case vbNo
targetrange = "fail"
Case vbCancel
targetrange = "N.A"
End Select
response = MsgBox(" ON?", vbQuestion + vbYesNoCancel)
Select Case response
Case vbYes
targetrange = "pass"
Case vbNo
targetrange = "fail"
Case vbCancel
targetrange = "N.A"
End Select
response = MsgBox("working?", vbQuestion + vbYesNoCancel)
Select Case response
Case vbYes
targetrange = "pass"
Case vbNo
targetrange = "fail"
Case vbCancel
targetrange = "N.A"
End Select
response = MsgBox("out?", vbQuestion + vbYesNoCancel)
Select Case response
Case vbYes
targetrange = "pass"
Case vbNo
targetrange = "fail"
Case vbCancel
targetrange = "N.A"
End Select
response = MsgBox("filled?", vbQuestion + vbYesNoCancel)
Select Case response
Case vbYes
targetrange = "pass"
Case vbNo
targetrange = "fail"
Case vbCancel
targetrange = "N.A"
End Select
response = MsgBox("All good?", vbQuestion + vbYesNoCancel)
Select Case response
Case vbYes
targetrange = "pass"
Case vbNo
targetrange = "fail"
Case vbCancel
targetrange = "N.A"
End Select
End Sub