I would like to create an image slideshow that loops through all the images in all the subfolders in thisworkbook.path with a fade in effect for each image and a 5 second timer delay between each image in an excel userform. I searched in copilot and I have some code, but it currently gives me out of stack space error:
VBA Code:
Option Explicit
Dim ImagePaths() As String
Dim CurrentImageIndex As Long
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
' Initialize the slideshow
CurrentImageIndex = 0
End Sub
Private Sub LoadImagePaths()
' Load all image file paths from subfolders
Dim FolderPath As String
Dim FileExtension As String
Dim i As Long
FolderPath = ThisWorkbook.Path
FileExtension = "*.jpg" ' Change to the desired image file extension
ReDim ImagePaths(0)
i = 0
RecursiveFolderSearch FolderPath, FileExtension, i
End Sub
Private Sub RecursiveFolderSearch(ByVal FolderPath As String, ByVal FileExtension As String, ByRef i As Long)
Dim FileSystem As Object
Dim SubFolder As Object
Dim FileItem As Object
Set FileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set SubFolder = FileSystem.GetFolder(FolderPath)
For Each FileItem In SubFolder.Files
If LCase(Right(FileItem.Name, Len(FileExtension))) = LCase(FileExtension) Then
ReDim Preserve ImagePaths(i)
ImagePaths(i) = FileItem.Path
i = i + 1
End If
Next FileItem
' Avoid infinite recursion by checking subfolders
If SubFolder.SubFolders.Count > 0 Then
For Each SubFolder In SubFolder.SubFolders
RecursiveFolderSearch SubFolder.Path, FileExtension, i
Next SubFolder
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ShowNextImage()
If CurrentImageIndex < UBound(ImagePaths) Then
' Load the image with fade-in effect
Me.Image1.Picture = LoadPictureWithFadeIn(ImagePaths(CurrentImageIndex))
CurrentImageIndex = CurrentImageIndex + 1
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:05"), "ShowNextImage"
' Restart the slideshow
CurrentImageIndex = 0
End If
End Sub
Private Function LoadPictureWithFadeIn(ByVal FilePath As String) As IPictureDisp
' Load the image with a fade-in effect
' You can adjust the duration of the fade-in here
Dim FadeDuration As Double
FadeDuration = 1 ' 1 second fade-in
Dim StartTime As Double
StartTime = Timer
Do While Timer < StartTime + FadeDuration
' Calculate the opacity based on time
Dim Opacity As Double
Opacity = (Timer - StartTime) / FadeDuration
' Set the image with opacity
Set LoadPictureWithFadeIn = LoadPicture(FilePath, Opacity)
' Set the final image without opacity
Set LoadPictureWithFadeIn = LoadPicture(FilePath)
End Function