Hi all - I have a large collaboration file where after analysing some data people need to select one field from a drop down menu, and then the second column will oopulate with dependent option available in a drop down menu. To make the 2 drop down dependent (from column 1) I'm using =INDIRECT($G$2). Problem is that when I try to drag down the data validation from row 1 and below the formula doesn't update, breaking the dependent options. Sorry if not clear - I'm definitely not an expert but doing my best 

ABCDEFG (columA) | Drop down 1 (ColumB) | Drop down 2 (dependant from selection in drop down 1) (columC) |
Data 1 | People, Process, Product | =INDIRECT($B$2) |
How can I drag the formula here and make it update automatically to =INDIRECT($B$3) and below? |