I have a workbook that contains three validation cells, 'Brand'; which has two values, 'Customer' and 'Product', both which have multiple values. Two seperate datasheets (tabs) for each 'Brand' contain the 'lookup' data, both containing columns for 'Customer', 'Product' and 'Discount'
Im trying to get the formula below to return the 'Discount' value from the appropriate 'Brand' tab when the selected 'Brand',
B8 = Validation cell containing either "Brand_A" or "Brand_B"
$G$3 = Validation cell containing "Customer" list
V8 = "Brand_A" product
D8 = "Brand_B" product
Discount_1 = Tab containing huge data table for "Brand_A" with Column A (Customer) and Column C (Product)
Discount_2 O:O =
I have made the formula into an array which returns the correct discount value when "Brand_A" is selected in B8, but only returns "FALSE" when "Brand_B" is selected in B8
Grateful if you could advise what I am doing wrong?
Many thanks
Im trying to get the formula below to return the 'Discount' value from the appropriate 'Brand' tab when the selected 'Brand',
'Customer' and 'Product'
validation cells are matched{=IF(B8="Brand_A",(INDEX('Discount_1'!P:P,MATCH($G$3&V8,'Discount_1'!A:A&'Discount_1'!C:C,0),IF(B8="Brand_B",(INDEX('Discount_2'!O:O,MATCH($G$3&D8,'
'!B:B,0)))))))}B8 = Validation cell containing either "Brand_A" or "Brand_B"
$G$3 = Validation cell containing "Customer" list
V8 = "Brand_A" product
D8 = "Brand_B" product
Discount_1 = Tab containing huge data table for "Brand_A" with Column A (Customer) and Column C (Product)
Discount_2 = Tab containing huge data table for "Brand_B" with Column A (Customer) and Column B (Product)
P:P = Column containing the discount value to be returnedDiscount_1
Discount_2 O:O =
Column containing the discount value to be returned
I have made the formula into an array which returns the correct discount value when "Brand_A" is selected in B8, but only returns "FALSE" when "Brand_B" is selected in B8
Grateful if you could advise what I am doing wrong?
Many thanks