Index match VBA taking too long


New Member
Jun 8, 2022
Office Version
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  2. 2016
  3. 2013
  1. Windows

I have this code to index match multiple columns from 2 different sheets at ones but the it takes too long to complete, the code has a column change to text format and another one to run mid()

so my requests are :

1. make the code run faster

2. make a percentage of completion
VBA Code:

Dim k As Long

Dim i As Long

i = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count

' k is the column number

For k = 5 To i

Sheets("listCreance").Cells(k, 17).Value = WorksheetFunction.Index(Sheets("List Clients").Range("H:H"), WorksheetFunction.Match(Sheets("listCreance").Cells(k, 4).Value, Sheets("List Clients").Range("F:F"), 0)) 'Adresse
Sheets("listCreance").Cells(k, 18).Value = WorksheetFunction.Index(Sheets("List Clients").Range("U:U"), WorksheetFunction.Match(Sheets("listCreance").Cells(k, 4).Value, Sheets("List Clients").Range("F:F"), 0)) 'N Cpt
Sheets("listCreance").Cells(k, 19).Value = WorksheetFunction.Index(Sheets("List Clients").Range("D:D"), WorksheetFunction.Match(Sheets("listCreance").Cells(k, 4).Value, Sheets("List Clients").Range("F:F"), 0)) 'Nom Client
Sheets("listCreance").Cells(k, 20).Value = WorksheetFunction.Index(Sheets("List Clients").Range("F:F"), WorksheetFunction.Match(Sheets("listCreance").Cells(k, 4).Value, Sheets("List Clients").Range("F:F"), 0)) 'Reference
Sheets("listCreance").Cells(k, 21).Value = WorksheetFunction.Index(Sheets("List Clients").Range("M:M"), WorksheetFunction.Match(Sheets("listCreance").Cells(k, 4).Value, Sheets("List Clients").Range("F:F"), 0)) 'Tarif
Sheets("listCreance").Cells(k, 22).Value = WorksheetFunction.Index(Sheets("List Clients").Range("R:R"), WorksheetFunction.Match(Sheets("listCreance").Cells(k, 4).Value, Sheets("List Clients").Range("F:F"), 0)) 'Etat
Sheets("listCreance").Cells(k, 25).Value = WorksheetFunction.Index(Sheets("List Clients").Range("S:S"), WorksheetFunction.Match(Sheets("listCreance").Cells(k, 4).Value, Sheets("List Clients").Range("F:F"), 0)) 'Date Résiliation

Sheets("listCreance").Cells(k, 23).Value = Mid(Sheets("listCreance").Cells(k, 21), 3, 2)
Sheets("listCreance").Cells(k, 24).Value = Mid(Sheets("listCreance").Cells(k, 20), 1, 7)

On Error Resume Next

Next k

Sheets("listCreance").Columns("T:T").NumberFormat = "000000000000000"

End Sub
My guess it that you have an #N/A of some other error in Column F and/or Column D respectively.

The below will skip over those lines

Rich (BB code):
Sub DictionaryLookup()

    Dim shtSrc As Worksheet, shtDest As Worksheet
    Dim rngSrc As Range, rngDestIdx As Range, rngDestOut As Range
    Dim arrSrc As Variant, arrDestIdx As Variant, arrDestOut As Variant
    Dim rowLastSrc As Long, rowLastDest As Long
    Dim i As Long, j As Long, colOffset As Long
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
    Set shtSrc = Worksheets("List Clients")
    With shtSrc
        rowLastSrc = .Range("F" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row             ' Use Lookup column
        Set rngSrc = .Range("A1:U" & rowLastSrc)
        arrSrc = rngSrc.Value2
    End With
    Set shtDest = Worksheets("listCreance")
    With shtDest
        rowLastDest = .Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row            ' Use Lookup Value column
        Set rngDestIdx = .Range("D5:D" & rowLastDest)
        arrDestIdx = rngDestIdx.Value2
        Set rngDestOut = .Range("Q" & rngDestIdx.Row)
        ReDim arrDestOut(1 To UBound(arrDestIdx), 1 To 9)               ' Columns 17 (Q) to 25
    End With
    ' Column mapping
    Dim colSrc As Variant, colDest As Variant
    colSrc = Array(8, 21, 4, 6, 13, 18, 19)
    colDest = Array(17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25)
    colOffset = rngDestOut.Column - 1                                   ' Output range starts at Q (col 17) = array col 1
    Dim dictSrc As Object, dictKey As String

    Set dictSrc = CreateObject("Scripting.dictionary")
    dictSrc.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
    ' Load details range into Dictionary
    For i = 1 To UBound(arrSrc)
        If Not IsError(arrSrc(i, 6)) Then
            dictKey = arrSrc(i, 6)                                          ' 6 is column F
            If Not dictSrc.exists(dictKey) Then
                dictSrc(dictKey) = i
            End If
        End If
    Next i

    ' Get values using Dictionary
    For i = 1 To UBound(arrDestIdx)
        If Not IsError(arrSrc(i, 1)) Then
            dictKey = arrDestIdx(i, 1)                                          ' Column D lookup value
            If dictSrc.exists(dictKey) Then
                For j = 0 To UBound(colSrc)
                    arrDestOut(i, colDest(j) - colOffset) = arrSrc(dictSrc(dictKey), colSrc(j))
                Next j
                arrDestOut(i, 23 - colOffset) = Mid(arrDestOut(i, 5), 3, 2)     ' U -> W
                arrDestOut(i, 24 - colOffset) = Mid(arrDestOut(i, 4), 1, 7)     ' T -> X
            End If
        End If
    Next i
    ' Write back Rpt updated data
    rngDestOut.Resize(UBound(arrDestOut), UBound(arrDestOut, 2)).Value2 = arrDestOut
    shtDest.Columns("T:T").NumberFormat = String(15, "0")
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub
Upvote 0
Hello @
It doesn't sound like you are familiar with the immediate window.

When you are in the VBA screen enter Ctrl+G a window will pop up called the immediate window.
When the code crashes enter
? i and hit enter (enter question mark followed by i )
Then enter
? arrSrc(i,6) and hit enter
Then go to that line in the Client List
Retried the code and it worked hhhhhhh dont know how

also what I am trying to do to the column T is that I need instead of "18080202939142" it shows "018080202939142" and stays like that as a text, I tweak the code before yours and did "Format(.Cells(k, 4), "000000000000000")"
with your code it a high end one for me
Upvote 0
My guess it that you have an #N/A of some other error in Column F and/or Column D respectively.

The below will skip over those lines

Rich (BB code):
Sub DictionaryLookup()

    Dim shtSrc As Worksheet, shtDest As Worksheet
    Dim rngSrc As Range, rngDestIdx As Range, rngDestOut As Range
    Dim arrSrc As Variant, arrDestIdx As Variant, arrDestOut As Variant
    Dim rowLastSrc As Long, rowLastDest As Long
    Dim i As Long, j As Long, colOffset As Long
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
    Set shtSrc = Worksheets("List Clients")
    With shtSrc
        rowLastSrc = .Range("F" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row             ' Use Lookup column
        Set rngSrc = .Range("A1:U" & rowLastSrc)
        arrSrc = rngSrc.Value2
    End With
    Set shtDest = Worksheets("listCreance")
    With shtDest
        rowLastDest = .Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row            ' Use Lookup Value column
        Set rngDestIdx = .Range("D5:D" & rowLastDest)
        arrDestIdx = rngDestIdx.Value2
        Set rngDestOut = .Range("Q" & rngDestIdx.Row)
        ReDim arrDestOut(1 To UBound(arrDestIdx), 1 To 9)               ' Columns 17 (Q) to 25
    End With
    ' Column mapping
    Dim colSrc As Variant, colDest As Variant
    colSrc = Array(8, 21, 4, 6, 13, 18, 19)
    colDest = Array(17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25)
    colOffset = rngDestOut.Column - 1                                   ' Output range starts at Q (col 17) = array col 1
    Dim dictSrc As Object, dictKey As String

    Set dictSrc = CreateObject("Scripting.dictionary")
    dictSrc.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
    ' Load details range into Dictionary
    For i = 1 To UBound(arrSrc)
        If Not IsError(arrSrc(i, 6)) Then
            dictKey = arrSrc(i, 6)                                          ' 6 is column F
            If Not dictSrc.exists(dictKey) Then
                dictSrc(dictKey) = i
            End If
        End If
    Next i

    ' Get values using Dictionary
    For i = 1 To UBound(arrDestIdx)
        If Not IsError(arrSrc(i, 1)) Then
            dictKey = arrDestIdx(i, 1)                                          ' Column D lookup value
            If dictSrc.exists(dictKey) Then
                For j = 0 To UBound(colSrc)
                    arrDestOut(i, colDest(j) - colOffset) = arrSrc(dictSrc(dictKey), colSrc(j))
                Next j
                arrDestOut(i, 23 - colOffset) = Mid(arrDestOut(i, 5), 3, 2)     ' U -> W
                arrDestOut(i, 24 - colOffset) = Mid(arrDestOut(i, 4), 1, 7)     ' T -> X
            End If
        End If
    Next i
    ' Write back Rpt updated data
    rngDestOut.Resize(UBound(arrDestOut), UBound(arrDestOut, 2)).Value2 = arrDestOut
    shtDest.Columns("T:T").NumberFormat = String(15, "0")
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub
tried your new one and gives me this error
also 36421 is the last line in the list Client sheet


  • image_2024-09-07_093732515.png
    44.6 KB · Views: 10
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Oops can you change that to
If Not IsError(arrDestIdx(i, 1)) Then
Nice it worked and very fast, Mr Alex also what I am trying to do to the column T is that I need instead of "18080202939142" is that to show me "018080202939142" and stays like that as a text, I tweak the code before yours and did "Format(.Cells(k, 4), "000000000000000")"

shtDest.Columns("T:T").NumberFormat = String(15, "0") this one didn't give me what I wanted
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Replace from " ' Get values using Dictionary " to the end with this.
You will to check whether that means you need to change arrDestOut(i, 24 - colOffset) = Mid(arrDestOut(i, 4), 1, 7) ' T -> X
since it will have a leading zero added now.

Rich (BB code):
    ' Get values using Dictionary
    For i = 1 To UBound(arrDestIdx)
        If Not IsError(arrDestIdx(i, 1)) Then
            dictKey = arrDestIdx(i, 1)                                          ' Column D lookup value
            If dictSrc.exists(dictKey) Then
                For j = 0 To UBound(colSrc)
                    arrDestOut(i, colDest(j) - colOffset) = arrSrc(dictSrc(dictKey), colSrc(j))
                Next j
                arrDestOut(i, 23 - colOffset) = Mid(arrDestOut(i, 5), 3, 2)     ' U -> W
                arrDestOut(i, 4) = Format(arrDestOut(i, 4), String(15, "0"))
                arrDestOut(i, 24 - colOffset) = Mid(arrDestOut(i, 4), 1, 7)     ' T -> X
            End If
        End If
    Next i
    ' Write back Rpt updated data
    shtDest.Columns("T:T").NumberFormat = "@"             
    rngDestOut.Resize(UBound(arrDestOut), UBound(arrDestOut, 2)).Value2 = arrDestOut

    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Last edited:
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Replace from " ' Get values using Dictionary " to the end with this.
You will to check whether that means you need to change arrDestOut(i, 24 - colOffset) = Mid(arrDestOut(i, 4), 1, 7) ' T -> X
since it will have a leading zero added now.

Rich (BB code):
    ' Get values using Dictionary
    For i = 1 To UBound(arrDestIdx)
        If Not IsError(arrSrc(i, 1)) Then
            dictKey = arrDestIdx(i, 1)                                          ' Column D lookup value
            If dictSrc.exists(dictKey) Then
                For j = 0 To UBound(colSrc)
                    arrDestOut(i, colDest(j) - colOffset) = arrSrc(dictSrc(dictKey), colSrc(j))
                Next j
                arrDestOut(i, 23 - colOffset) = Mid(arrDestOut(i, 5), 3, 2)     ' U -> W
                arrDestOut(i, 4) = Format(arrDestOut(i, 4), String(15, "0"))
                arrDestOut(i, 24 - colOffset) = Mid(arrDestOut(i, 4), 1, 7)     ' T -> X
            End If
        End If
    Next i
    ' Write back Rpt updated data
    shtDest.Columns("T:T").NumberFormat = "@"             
    rngDestOut.Resize(UBound(arrDestOut), UBound(arrDestOut, 2)).Value2 = arrDestOut

    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Thank you Very much Mr. Alex
Also changed "If Not IsError(arrDestIdx(i, 1)) Then"
and it works like a charm
I hope someday to get to your level in VBA coding
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