Hello everyone, I was here recently and was given great assistance by bebo021999 for an index match formula. I have a similar question pertaining to a data table. I have a separate table with truck driver driving hours limitations. What I would like to do is if I insert a class (1,2 or 3), and a rest time, have the formula return the maximum driving time for a particular driver. For example a driver has a class "1" rest facility, and rests for 1 hour and 50 minutes (01:50), the limitation would be 15 hours maximum driving time. It looks humanly impossible, but this driving time includes the rest period, meal and toilet breaks. I have used the following formula =LOOKUP(B2,F4:H4,INDEX(E5:E12,,MATCH(B1,$F$5:$H$12,0))). This only works for class 1, if I select 2 or 3, it returns #N/A. I have also tried several different combinations of INDEX and MATCH with no success. XL2BB doesn't work, so I have attached a photo of my worksheet. Any assistance is much appreciated. Cell B1 is the rest time and B2 is the class. I have posted this question yesterday, but since I replied to my own post, it looks like somebody has answered my post, so I have reposted this question here again.