Hello Everyone,
So I'm trying to compare 2 tables (an Old one and a New one) and I want to validate that everything on the Old one is contained in the New one. Both tables are just 1 column and about 17500 rows.
Each value on each cell of both tables is about 400 characters.
The formula below is the one I'm using to match them up since VLOOKUP Formula won't do the trick in this case since every value is more than 255 characters long.
In Cell B2
=IFERROR(IF(INDEX('New Table'!$A$2:$A$17436,MATCH(TRUE,INDEX('New Table'!$A$2:$A$17436=A2,0),0))<>"NA","Correct","Missing"),"Missing")
In Cell B3
=IFERROR(IF(INDEX('New Table'!$A$2:$A$17436,MATCH(TRUE,INDEX('New Table'!$A$2:$A$17436=A3,0),0))<>"NA","Correct","Missing"),"Missing")
and so on...
When excel is calculating everything is just so slow!! Can anyone help making it faster?? maybe another formula or another approach?
So I'm trying to compare 2 tables (an Old one and a New one) and I want to validate that everything on the Old one is contained in the New one. Both tables are just 1 column and about 17500 rows.
Each value on each cell of both tables is about 400 characters.
The formula below is the one I'm using to match them up since VLOOKUP Formula won't do the trick in this case since every value is more than 255 characters long.
In Cell B2
=IFERROR(IF(INDEX('New Table'!$A$2:$A$17436,MATCH(TRUE,INDEX('New Table'!$A$2:$A$17436=A2,0),0))<>"NA","Correct","Missing"),"Missing")
In Cell B3
=IFERROR(IF(INDEX('New Table'!$A$2:$A$17436,MATCH(TRUE,INDEX('New Table'!$A$2:$A$17436=A3,0),0))<>"NA","Correct","Missing"),"Missing")
and so on...
When excel is calculating everything is just so slow!! Can anyone help making it faster?? maybe another formula or another approach?