Hi, not sure how to word this properly so here's my problem:
Next year I want our activity to be 5000
This year we do 10 a day therefore we do 3650 in a year
So I want to increase our activity next year by (5000-3650)=1350
But I want on day 1 next year to start with 10 like this year and increase smoothly the numbers done each day so that the sum total of all 365 days will be 5000.
I'm really strugggling... have tried compound interest, angles, sqrts.. etc but have completely forgotten how to do this.
Any help would be much appreciated!
Next year I want our activity to be 5000
This year we do 10 a day therefore we do 3650 in a year
So I want to increase our activity next year by (5000-3650)=1350
But I want on day 1 next year to start with 10 like this year and increase smoothly the numbers done each day so that the sum total of all 365 days will be 5000.
I'm really strugggling... have tried compound interest, angles, sqrts.. etc but have completely forgotten how to do this.
Any help would be much appreciated!