Good Day all. Since schools is about to start, I thought that I should create a spreadsheet in order to schedule my teachers in the various yard duties throughout the day. What I would like to accomplish is schedule about 25 teachers to cover yard duties. The various duties are as follows: Bus duties 3 at 8:30, 3 at 12:00, 3 at 1:00 and 3 at 3:45 (each duty MUST not be longer than 15 minutes). At Morning Recess time, Lunch time and Afternoon Recess time, I will have 6 areas to be covered. The total is about 18 duties to be covered each day. (The number of duties could be increased or decreased if necessary). Teachers might have special requests, such as not being able to cover certain duties because they might be coaching sport teams, in which case certain duties will have to be omitted for that particular teacher. EVERYTHING must be fair so that at the end of the scholastic year everyone would have served the same number of duties. Is this not an IMPOSSIBLE spreadsheet? Any help on were to start??????