I'm working on some code to import multiple images into one sheet and I stumble to modify the code from 2022 thread (import multiple photos from a folders then resize) to change it's behavior slightly.
The code:
I would like and frankly I need the code to import the pictures from one folder in rows begining at B12 and then the next folder should populate rows from C12 and so on.
Basically every folder in seperate columns.
How can I modify the code to accomplish this?
I'm working on some code to import multiple images into one sheet and I stumble to modify the code from 2022 thread (import multiple photos from a folders then resize) to change it's behavior slightly.
The code:
VBA Code:
Public Sub insertpics()
Dim folders() As String, foldersCount As Long
Dim showOK As Boolean
Dim fileName As String
Dim i As Long
Dim pic As Shape
Dim picRange As Range
Dim xSht As Worksheet
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
foldersCount = 0
.Title = "Select images folder " & foldersCount + 1 & " or click Cancel to " & IIf(foldersCount = 0, "exit macro", "insert images")
showOK = .Show
If showOK Then
ReDim Preserve folders(0 To foldersCount)
folders(foldersCount) = .SelectedItems(1) & "\"
foldersCount = foldersCount + 1
End If
Loop Until Not showOK
End With
If foldersCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
Set xSht = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("agrE")
Set picRange = xSht.Range("B12")
For i = 0 To UBound(folders)
fileName = Dir(folders(i) & "*.*")
While fileName <> vbNullString
If InStr(1, "|.jpg|.png.|.bmp|", "|" & Mid(fileName, InStrRev(fileName, ".")) & "|", vbTextCompare) Then
With picRange
Set pic = .Worksheet.Shapes.AddPicture(fileName:=folders(i) & fileName, LinkToFile:=msoFalse, SaveWithDocument:=msoTrue, _
Left:=.Left, Top:=.Top, Width:=.Width, Height:=.Height)
Set picRange = .Offset(, .Columns.Count)
End With
End If
fileName = Dir
End Sub
I would like and frankly I need the code to import the pictures from one folder in rows begining at B12 and then the next folder should populate rows from C12 and so on.
Basically every folder in seperate columns.
How can I modify the code to accomplish this?