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can anyone please tell me how to add a code line for this macro for ignoring empty cells?
in this line:
macro by johnnyL
in this line:
Excel Formula:
Set NumbersPoolRange = Range("cn1:dg1")
VBA Code:
Option Explicit
' Inspired by some previous code from pgc01 https://www.mrexcel.com/board/threads/combination-help.277924/post-1379220
Sub AllCombinationsV2()
Dim StartTime As Double
StartTime = Timer ' Start the stop watch
Dim ArrayRow As Long
Dim DrawAmount As Long, TotalCombinations As Long
Dim OutputRow As Long
Dim PoolSize As Long
Dim NumbersPoolRange As Range
Dim OutputColumn As String
Dim OutputHeader As String
Dim NumbersDrawnArray As Variant, NumbersPoolArray As Variant, OutputArray As Variant
Set NumbersPoolRange = Range("cn1:dg1") ' <--- Set this to the range of the pool #s to use
DrawAmount = "6" ' <--- set the amount of #s to pick in this cell
OutputColumn = "bd" ' <--- Set this to the column letter that you want to display results to
OutputRow = 2 ' <--- Set this to the row # to start displaying the combinations
PoolSize = NumbersPoolRange.Columns.Count ' Get the amount of numbers in the pool
OutputHeader = DrawAmount & " of " & PoolSize ' <--- Set this to the header for the output column
Application.ScreenUpdating = False ' Turn screen updationg off
TotalCombinations = Application.WorksheetFunction.Combin(NumbersPoolRange.Count, DrawAmount) ' Get total # of combinations that will be produced
NumbersPoolArray = NumbersPoolRange ' Load pool of numbers to use into 2D 1 based NumbersPoolArray
'Range("A3").Value = "Total # of combinations" ' Display header of 'Total # of combinations'
'Range("aa1").Value = TotalCombinations ' Display # of combinations that will be generated
ReDim NumbersDrawnArray(1 To DrawAmount) ' Establish size of 1D one based NumbersDrawnArray
ReDim OutputArray(1 To TotalCombinations, 1 To DrawAmount) ' Establish size of 2D one based OutputArray
Call GetAllCombinations(NumbersPoolArray, DrawAmount, NumbersDrawnArray, ArrayRow, OutputArray, 1, 1) ' Calculate the Combinations
Range(OutputColumn & OutputRow - 1).Value = OutputHeader ' Display output header
Range(OutputColumn & OutputRow).Resize(TotalCombinations, 1).Value = OutputArray ' Display results to sheet
ActiveSheet.UsedRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit ' Autofit all column widths on the sheett
Application.ScreenUpdating = True ' Turn screen updationg back on
Debug.Print TotalCombinations & " combinations completed in " & Timer - StartTime & " seconds." ' Display the completion time in the 'Immediate' window ... CTRL+G in the VBE window
MsgBox TotalCombinations & " combinations completed in " & Timer - StartTime & " seconds." ' Display the combination count & time to complete to the user
End Sub
Sub GetAllCombinations(ByVal NumbersPoolArray As Variant, ByVal DrawAmount As Long, ByVal NumbersDrawnArray As Variant, _
ByRef ArrayRow As Long, ByRef OutputArray As Variant, ByVal NumbersPoolColumn As Long, ByVal DrawNumber As Long)
Dim ArrayColumn As Long
For NumbersPoolColumn = NumbersPoolColumn To UBound(NumbersPoolArray, 2) ' Loop through the NumbersPoolArray columns
NumbersDrawnArray(DrawNumber) = NumbersPoolArray(1, NumbersPoolColumn) ' Save NumbersPoolArray(1, NumbersPoolColumn) value to NumbersDrawnArray(DrawNumber)
If DrawNumber = DrawAmount Then ' If last DrawNumber of DrawAmount has been reached then ...
ArrayRow = ArrayRow + 1 ' Increment ArrayRow
For ArrayColumn = 1 To DrawAmount ' Loop through NumbersDrawnArray columns
OutputArray(ArrayRow, 1) = OutputArray(ArrayRow, 1) & NumbersDrawnArray(ArrayColumn) & "-" ' Save NumbersDrawnArray column value & delimiter to OutputArray
Next ' Loop back
OutputArray(ArrayRow, 1) = Left$(OutputArray(ArrayRow, 1), Len(OutputArray(ArrayRow, 1)) - 1) ' Remove the last delimiter '-' from the OutputArray string
Else ' Else ...
Call GetAllCombinations(NumbersPoolArray, DrawAmount, NumbersDrawnArray, ArrayRow, _
OutputArray, NumbersPoolColumn + 1, DrawNumber + 1) ' Recursive loop to get next value of NumbersDrawnArray
End If
Next ' Loop back
End Sub
macro by johnnyL