Hi, Hoping I can get some assistance on this. So I'm pretty much a novice excel user when it comes to formulas and logics; but I am trying to somewhat automate a commission report we use with a few different formulas for requirements.
There are a few conditions that need to be met and different results to be returned.
We have a Specific Customer set value; a Standard Item value and a few Specific Item values.
What I need to do is:
If Customer # H= 'this' then return "$ value" for all entries (eg.7.00); UNLESS the Item # Q= 'this or this' (the vlookup of the formula) then return value from column 2; BUT if neither is true then return Standard Item Value '$10.00'.
However, I literally do not know enough about excel to make this work as a formula and no amount of googling has rendered a result that works either .
I assume that it can be done?
Below is what I have been working with and it kind of works. But it only returns the Customer value because it is true; then ignores the rest of the requirements. Help!
EXAMPLE ONLY =IFERROR(IF(H11="A101042AUD","7.00",(VLOOKUP(Q11,Sheet2!$F$2:$G$4,2,FALSE))),10)
Please tell me this can be done? And thanks in advance any assistance would be greatly appreciated.