Hi there, I already have a staff timesheet spreadsheet with a formula to determine number of hours worked (cell D1 below), but require another formula to insert a value for 'break time'; if D1 = 6 or more hours worked, I require the new formula to insert "0.5" in C1. If D1 = 9 or more hours worked, I require the new formula to insert "1.0" in C1.
A1: Enter start time
B1: Enter end time
C1: <new formula="">
D1: Calculate hours worked using formula =(B1-A1+(B1<a1))*24
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.</a1))*24
A1: Enter start time
B1: Enter end time
C1: <new formula="">
D1: Calculate hours worked using formula =(B1-A1+(B1<a1))*24
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.</a1))*24