I have scenerio in excel
Job Nature, in Column T which have values (W), (F) (M)
Days to check in Column S which have values "No. of Days" & Paid
W/Card in Column N which have values True , False
The Thing I want to check is, if Job Nature is (W) and No. of Days is <= 365 and the W/Card is Ture then "OK" else write the any missing value.
Moving On check if Job Nature is (F) and No. of Days <= 30 and the W/Card is True then "OK" else write the missing value
Same is the case with (M) as (F)
Job Nature, in Column T which have values (W), (F) (M)
Days to check in Column S which have values "No. of Days" & Paid
W/Card in Column N which have values True , False
The Thing I want to check is, if Job Nature is (W) and No. of Days is <= 365 and the W/Card is Ture then "OK" else write the any missing value.
Moving On check if Job Nature is (F) and No. of Days <= 30 and the W/Card is True then "OK" else write the missing value
Same is the case with (M) as (F)