I think I get what you're asking for, but to clarify a few things.
Column D has names, column G has the flag {"",0,"R"}
Formula to return all names in column D where the corresponding entry in column G is not {"",0,"R"}
How does the date selected in G1 relate to the data in sheet2? Would different dates refer to different columns in Sheet2?
What range does "audit1" cover? i.e. A1:Z99
Please give a brief description of the data in that range, how it is laid out, etc, anything that can help us visualise your sheet.
A screen dump of a copy of your sheet, using 4 or 5 fictional people and 1 week of dates showing the layout of the original data and the required result would help.
This might seem like we're asking for a lot of information to in order to solve this, but if 100 people asked for the same thing, potentially the right solution for each would most likely be slightly different.