Hello - I'm not an excel expert and have tried to find an answer, but am having a hard time understanding what an answer to my problem may be. Please see below:
In cell AZ9 I want my formula to look at R9 and AP9 and if they are both blank then AZ9 will return blank (""). If they have a number in either of them I want AZ9 to subtract AP9 from R9. There are IF formulas in both R9 and AP9 if that makes a difference. This is what I was trying but doesn't make sense now thinking of it.
IF(isblank(R9) isblank(AP9),"",sum(AP9,-(R9))
In cell AZ9 I want my formula to look at R9 and AP9 and if they are both blank then AZ9 will return blank (""). If they have a number in either of them I want AZ9 to subtract AP9 from R9. There are IF formulas in both R9 and AP9 if that makes a difference. This is what I was trying but doesn't make sense now thinking of it.
IF(isblank(R9) isblank(AP9),"",sum(AP9,-(R9))