I'm trying to create a simple table to be referenced by an IF function.
I want to create a single column table of hotel names (i.e. Marriott, Doubletree, etc) and then write an excel formula that says IF(cell reference=a name in the table,"HOTEL","").
In other words, I would like my logical test for the IF function to have many correct outcomes, not just one. I want the IF function to search for an match in the entire table, not a single cell. Is that possible?
I want to create a single column table of hotel names (i.e. Marriott, Doubletree, etc) and then write an excel formula that says IF(cell reference=a name in the table,"HOTEL","").
In other words, I would like my logical test for the IF function to have many correct outcomes, not just one. I want the IF function to search for an match in the entire table, not a single cell. Is that possible?