If function.. Error - the specified formula cannot be entered because it used more levels of nesting....

Sandeep Singh

New Member
Mar 13, 2013
Hi All,

Hope Everyone is Doing Great !!!

Data on which I am applying formula.

[TABLE="width: 192"]
[TD="class: xl63, width: 64"]CA[/TD]
[TD="class: xl64, width: 64"]1-99[/TD]
[TD="class: xl63, width: 64"]DH[/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"]100-199[/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"]NH[/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"]200-299[/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"]ME[/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"]500-599[/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"]IJ[/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"]600-699[/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"]UY[/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"]800-899[/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"]PL[/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"]900-999[/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"]UJ[/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"]AZ[/TD]
[TD="class: xl64"]1-64[/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"]MN[/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"]64-389[/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"]OP[/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"]390-550[/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"]LA[/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"]551-799[/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"]SF[/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"]NH[/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"]54-95[/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"]LO[/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"]96-155[/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"]ER[/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"]156-680[/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"]CO[/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"][/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"]681-999[/TD]
[TD="class: xl63"]GH[/TD]

My If formula is ..

C6,IF(AND(E3>=600,E3<=699),C7,IF(AND(E3>=800<=899),C8,IF(AND(E3>=900,E3<=999),C9,"Not InRange"))))))),IF(D3="AZ",IF(AND(E3>=1,E3<=64),C10,IF(AND(E3>=64,E3<=389),C11,IF(AND(E3>=390<=550),C12,IF(AND(E3>=551,E3<=799),C13,"Not In Range"))))))

I have many more if conditions to add on... but i am getting error "the specified formula cannot be entered because it uses more levels of nesting than are allowed in the current file format".

Then I have Google it to see some other formula where i can i reduce if's.

I tried this "IF(D3="CA",LOOKUP(E3,{"1-99","100-199","200-299"},{"DH","NH","ME"})) its not working.

I need some help on this... Thanks for the help in advance.
[TABLE="class: grid, width: 521, align: center"]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"]A[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]B[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]C[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]D[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]E[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]F[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]G[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]CA[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1-99[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]DH[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]2[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]CA[/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"]DH[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]2[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]CA[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]100-199[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]NH[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]AZ[/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"]MN[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]3[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]CA[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]200-299[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]ME[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]55[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]NH[/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"]LO[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]4[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]CA[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]500-599[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]IJ[/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"]5[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]CA[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]600-699[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]UY[/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"]6[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]CA[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]800-899[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]PL[/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"]7[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]CA[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]900-999[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]UJ[/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"]8[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]AZ[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1-63[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]MN[/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"]9[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]AZ[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]64-389[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]OP[/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"]10[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]AZ[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]390-550[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]LA[/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"]11[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]AZ[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]551-799[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]SF[/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"]12[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]NH[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]54-95[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]LO[/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"]13[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]NH[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]96-155[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]ER[/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"]14[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]NH[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]156-680[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]CO[/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"]15[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]NH[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]681-999[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]GH[/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
Okay I edit your data set to make it easier to use,

G1: =IFERROR(INDEX($C$1:$C$15,MATCH(1,($A$1:$A$15=E1)*((LEFT($B$1:$B$15,FIND("-",$B$1:$B$15)-1))*1<=D1)*((RIGHT($B$1:$B$15,LEN($B$1:$B$15)-FIND("-",$B$1:$B$15)))*1>=D1),0)),"Not in range")

Confirm with Ctrl Shift Enter
Hope this help
Upvote 0
Thank you for your help.

when i copy and paste your formula, confirm with ctrl shift enter its working for me.

But when i tried keying the same formula in cell

=IFERROR(INDEX($C$2:$C$16,MATCH(1,($A$2:$A$16=E2)*((LEFT($B$2:$B$16,FIND("-",$B$2:$B$16)-1))((RIGHT($B$2:$B$16,LEN($B$2:$B$16)-FIND("-",$B$2:$B$16)))*1>=D2),0)),"Not in Range")

its not working for me, i confirm my formula with Ctrl shift enter it showing an error.

when i confirmed with Ctrl Shift Enter the formuala is started and ended with {....} flower brackets.

could you please tell me what can be the reason behind the error and about flower brackets {}.

Thank you for your help in advance.
Upvote 0
{} indicates it is an Array Formula which is different from entering the formula as normal.
You MUST enter the formula using Ctrl-Shift-Enter.
Upvote 0
Thank you for your help.

=IFERROR(INDEX($C$2:$C$16,MATCH(1,($A$2:$A$16=E2)*((LEFT($B$2:$B$16,FIND("-",$B$2:$B$16)-1))((RIGHT($B$2:$B$16,LEN($B$2:$B$16)-FIND("-",$B$2:$B$16)))*1>=D2),0)),"Not in Range")

its not working for me, i confirm my formula with Ctrl shift enter it showing an error.

could you please tell me what can be the reason behind the error and about flower brackets {}.

Thank you for your help in advance.
You are missing part of the formula :
=IFERROR(INDEX($C$2:$C$16,MATCH(1,($A$2:$A$16=E2)*((LEFT($B$2:$B$16,FIND("-",$B$2:$B$16)-1))*1<=D2)*((RIGHT($B$2:$B$16,LEN($B$2:$B$16)-FIND("-",$B$2:$B$16)))*1>=D2),0)),"Not in Range")
Upvote 0
Hi All,

I got the the formula to the above scenario.. my question is can be give conditional formatting on the formula result with data series.

Please find the data example below.

[TABLE="width: 211"]
<colgroup><col span="2"><col></colgroup><tbody>[TR]

[TABLE="width: 192"]
<colgroup><col style="width:48pt" span="3" width="64"> </colgroup><tbody>[TR]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]CA[/TD]
[TD="class: xl67, width: 64"]1-99[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]DH[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]CA[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]100-199[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]NH[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]CA[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]200-299[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]ME[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]CA[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]500-599[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]IJ[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]CA[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]600-699[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]UY[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]ca[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]800-899[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]PL[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]CA[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]900-999[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]UJ
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]AZ[/TD]
[TD="class: xl66, width: 64"]Jan-63[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]MN[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]AZ[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]64-389[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]OP[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]AZ[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]390-550[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]LA[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]AZ[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]551-799[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]SF[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]NH[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]54-95[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]LO[/TD]
[TD="class: xl68, width: 64"]NH
[TD="class: xl68, width: 64"]96-155
[TD="class: xl68, width: 64"]ER
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]NH[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]156-680[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]CO[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]NH[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]681-999[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]GH[/TD]

The formula is in F5 Cell. Based on the result in F5 cell, code and the state cells should be formatted in a data series.

Hope the question is clear. Thank you for your help in Advance.
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hello guys plz help me with following formula. because whenever i enter more 64 if commads it show an error with a message "the specified formula cannot be entered because it uses more than 64 levels of nesting". plz tell me how can i enter more than 64 if commads . my formula is
Excel Formula:
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