Hi there,
I am trying to create this formula =IF(Q11>0,1,AK11) however it appears not to work?
Q11 contains a formula {=IFERROR(INDEX(lastsaledatacust,MATCH(1,IF(lastsalecust=$D$5,IF(lastsaleprodcust=$C11,1)),0),5),"")}
AK11 contains a Data Validation drop down box
Please help
Thank you.
I am trying to create this formula =IF(Q11>0,1,AK11) however it appears not to work?
Q11 contains a formula {=IFERROR(INDEX(lastsaledatacust,MATCH(1,IF(lastsalecust=$D$5,IF(lastsaleprodcust=$C11,1)),0),5),"")}
AK11 contains a Data Validation drop down box
Please help

Thank you.