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The purpose of this non-vba function is to go to the next blank cell in a range of four cells in one row.
The value in Sheet ForTab, cell L17 is used during the conclusion of other formulas.
Sheets DailyRate1Apr2023-31Mar2024 & DailyRate1Apr2022-31Mar2023 are used in the formulas found in Sheet ForTab, cells P10:T11.
When a value is entered into L17 based upon data from the Fortissimo website this value is then searched in Sheets DailyRate1Apr2023-31Mar2024 & DailyRate1Apr2022-31Mar2023. If found then the relevant data appears in cells P10:T11. If not found then the relevant cells show #N/A.
If both rows in the cell range P10:T11 show #N/A then I go to another sheet to gather data from Fortissimo and add this new data to the current year sheet DailyRate1Apr2023-31Mar2024 in the next available set of blank rows that appear after the last entry, in this case in sheet DailyRate1Apr2023-31Mar2024 it would be row 30.
The intent of all of this is to automate the filling in of data in various locations.
In addition, when a new day’s date indicates an existing data point shown in Sheet ForTab, cell L17 that matches the data on the Fortissimo website, then I add this new date to the relevant row in sheet DailyRate1Apr2023-31Mar2024 that matches the value in Sheet ForTab, cell L17.
In this row then are other formulas happening that help keep a record of all dates relevant to the value shown in Sheet ForTab, cell L17.
I suspect this is all confusing but I thought it good to give an explanation in words of what is going on in these two sheets that hopefully will help as you examine the included Xl2bb Mini Sheets.
This morning I searched through many websites looking for possible answers and so far have not found any. I hope someone can help. I would very much appreciate any help.
I forgot to mention that the sheet DailyRate1Apr2023-31Mar2024 in this Xl2bb Mini Sheet only represents a small number of rows of data that exist in the sheet I use for all dates relevant to Fortissimo searches. This post represents data taken from a copy of the real workbook I use. In the real workbook I use, in sheet DailyRate1Apr2023-31Mar2024, if you were to be given an Xl2bb of this sheet it would contain 156 rows. Thus I copied the original sheet and deleted many rows to give a much smaller Xl2bb Mini Sheet.
The value in Sheet ForTab, cell L17 is used during the conclusion of other formulas.
Sheets DailyRate1Apr2023-31Mar2024 & DailyRate1Apr2022-31Mar2023 are used in the formulas found in Sheet ForTab, cells P10:T11.
When a value is entered into L17 based upon data from the Fortissimo website this value is then searched in Sheets DailyRate1Apr2023-31Mar2024 & DailyRate1Apr2022-31Mar2023. If found then the relevant data appears in cells P10:T11. If not found then the relevant cells show #N/A.
If both rows in the cell range P10:T11 show #N/A then I go to another sheet to gather data from Fortissimo and add this new data to the current year sheet DailyRate1Apr2023-31Mar2024 in the next available set of blank rows that appear after the last entry, in this case in sheet DailyRate1Apr2023-31Mar2024 it would be row 30.
The intent of all of this is to automate the filling in of data in various locations.
In addition, when a new day’s date indicates an existing data point shown in Sheet ForTab, cell L17 that matches the data on the Fortissimo website, then I add this new date to the relevant row in sheet DailyRate1Apr2023-31Mar2024 that matches the value in Sheet ForTab, cell L17.
In this row then are other formulas happening that help keep a record of all dates relevant to the value shown in Sheet ForTab, cell L17.
I suspect this is all confusing but I thought it good to give an explanation in words of what is going on in these two sheets that hopefully will help as you examine the included Xl2bb Mini Sheets.
This morning I searched through many websites looking for possible answers and so far have not found any. I hope someone can help. I would very much appreciate any help.
I forgot to mention that the sheet DailyRate1Apr2023-31Mar2024 in this Xl2bb Mini Sheet only represents a small number of rows of data that exist in the sheet I use for all dates relevant to Fortissimo searches. This post represents data taken from a copy of the real workbook I use. In the real workbook I use, in sheet DailyRate1Apr2023-31Mar2024, if you were to be given an Xl2bb of this sheet it would contain 156 rows. Thus I copied the original sheet and deleted many rows to give a much smaller Xl2bb Mini Sheet.
Cell Formulas | ||
Range | Formula | |
M1 | M1 | =F2 |
N1 | N1 | =F3 |
O1 | O1 | =F4 |
P1 | P1 | =F5 |
Q1 | Q1 | =F6 |
R1 | R1 | =F7 |
S1 | S1 | =F8 |
T1 | T1 | =F9 |
U1 | U1 | =F10 |
V1 | V1 | =F11 |
W1 | W1 | =F12 |
X1 | X1 | =F13 |
M2 | M2 | =D2 |
N2 | N2 | =D3 |
O2 | O2 | =D4 |
P2 | P2 | =D5 |
Q2 | Q2 | =D6 |
R2 | R2 | =D7 |
S2 | S2 | =D8 |
T2 | T2 | =D9 |
U2 | U2 | =D10 |
V2 | V2 | =D11 |
W2 | W2 | =D12 |
X2 | X2 | =D13 |
M3 | M3 | =$F2 |
N3 | N3 | =$F3 |
O3 | O3 | =$F4 |
P3 | P3 | =$F5 |
Q3 | Q3 | =$F6 |
R3 | R3 | =$F7 |
S3 | S3 | =$F8 |
T3 | T3 | =$F9 |
U3 | U3 | =$F10 |
V3 | V3 | =$F11 |
W3 | W3 | =$F12 |
X3 | X3 | =$F13 |
D2:D13 | D2 | =E30 |
E2:E13 | E2 | ='F:\Finances\CSOB\2023\[PensionReceiptHistory2023.xlsx]2023 Pension'!$M5 |
F2 | F2 | =H2 |
G2 | G2 | =$L$17 |
F3:F13 | F3 | =SUM(F2+H3) |
G3 | G3 | =SUM(G2+N$6) |
G4 | G4 | =SUM(G3+O$6) |
G5 | G5 | =SUM(G4+P$6) |
G6 | G6 | =SUM(G5+Q$6) |
G7 | G7 | =SUM(G6+R$6) |
G8 | G8 | =SUM(G7+S$6) |
G9 | G9 | =SUM(G8+T$6) |
G10 | G10 | =SUM(G9+U$6) |
G11 | G11 | =SUM(G10+V$6) |
G12 | G12 | =SUM(G11+W$6) |
G13 | G13 | =SUM(G12+X$6) |
I2:I13 | I2 | ='F:\Finances\CSOB\2023\[CSOB-Dollar-Banking2023.xlsx]2023'!$P8 |
J2:J13 | J2 | =SUM(E2*I2) |
Y4 | Y4 | ='F:\Finances\CSOB\2023\[CurrencyConversionRatesWebQuery2023.xlsm]Current Rates'!$J$12 |
K5 | K5 | =NOW()-TODAY() |
L5 | L5 | =F17 |
M5 | M5 | =$G2 |
N5 | N5 | =$G3 |
O5 | O5 | =$G4 |
P5 | P5 | =$G5 |
Q5 | Q5 | =$G6 |
R5 | R5 | =$G7 |
S5 | S5 | =$G8 |
T5 | T5 | =$G9 |
U5 | U5 | =$G10 |
V5 | V5 | =$G11 |
W5 | W5 | =$G12 |
X5 | X5 | =$G13 |
N6 | N6 | =MAX($N$7:$N$8) |
O6 | O6 | =MAX($O$7:$O$8) |
P6 | P6 | =MAX($P$7:$P$8) |
Q6 | Q6 | =MAX($Q$7:$Q$8) |
R6 | R6 | =MAX($R$7:$R$8) |
S6 | S6 | =MAX($S$7:$S$8) |
T6 | T6 | =MAX($T$7:$T$8) |
U6 | U6 | =MAX($U$7:$U$8) |
V6 | V6 | =MAX($V$7:$V$8) |
W6 | W6 | =MAX($W$7:$W$8) |
X6 | X6 | =MAX($X$7:$X$8) |
N7:X7 | N7 | =IFERROR(INDEX('DailyRate1Apr2023-31Mar2024'!$D$4:$N$29,MATCH($L$17,'DailyRate1Apr2023-31Mar2024'!$C$4:$C$29,0)+1,COLUMNS($N$5:N5)),"") |
N8:X8 | N8 | =IFERROR(INDEX('DailyRate1Apr2022-31Mar2023'!$D$4:$N$555,MATCH($L$17,'DailyRate1Apr2022-31Mar2023'!$C$4:$C$555,0)+1,COLUMNS($N$5:N7)),"") |
P10 | P10 | ='DailyRate1Apr2023-31Mar2024'!$U$3 |
Q10 | Q10 | =MATCH($R$10,'DailyRate1Apr2023-31Mar2024'!B:B,0) |
R10 | R10 | ='DailyRate1Apr2023-31Mar2024'!$S$1 |
T10 | T10 | =HYPERLINK("#"&"'DailyRate1Apr2023-31Mar2024'!B"&$Q$10,"Current Rate Location: Apr23-Mar24") |
P11 | P11 | ='DailyRate1Apr2022-31Mar2023'!$U$3 |
Q11 | Q11 | =MATCH($R$11,'DailyRate1Apr2022-31Mar2023'!B:B,0) |
R11 | R11 | ='DailyRate1Apr2022-31Mar2023'!$S$1 |
T11 | T11 | =HYPERLINK("#"&"'DailyRate1Apr2022-31Mar2023'!B"&$Q$11,"Current Rate Location: Apr22-Mar23") |
L11 | L11 | =NOW() |
Q14 | Q14 | =HYPERLINK("[FortissimoTabulationFindBlankCell.xlsx]'DailyRate1Apr2023-31Mar2024'!a"&(COUNTA(#REF!)+T14),"Paste in DailyRate1Apr2023-31Mar2024") |
T14 | T14 | ='DailyRate1Apr2023-31Mar2024'!$V$1 |
K16:X16 | K16 | =K5 |
Y16 | Y16 | =Y4 |
G17 | G17 | =YEAR(TODAY()) |
H17 | H17 | =MONTH(TODAY()) |
I17 | I17 | =DAY(TODAY()) |
J17 | J17 | ="$"&H2 |
I18:I19 | I18 | =F28 |
T17 | T17 | =HYPERLINK("[CurrencyConversionRatesWebQuery2023.xlsm]'F_Apr23-Mar24'!c"&(COUNTA(A:A)+V17),"Paste in F_Apr23-Mar24") |
V17 | V17 | ='F:\Finances\CSOB\2023\[CurrencyConversionRatesWebQuery2023.xlsm]F_Apr23-Mar24'!$M$1 |
F17 | F17 | =DATE(G17,H17,I17) |
F18 | F18 | =TEXT(DATE(H17,H17,1),"MMMM") |
L18 | L18 | =XLOOKUP(F18,I30:I41,G2:G13) |
L19 | L19 | =XLOOKUP(F29,I30:I41,G2:G13) |
R19 | R19 | =HYPERLINK("[FortissimoTabulationFindBlankCell.xlsx]'DailyRate1Apr2023-31Mar2024'!ah"&(COUNTA(#REF!)+W19),"GoTo Relevant Row Per 1st Date/Time Thru =TEXT(4th Date/Time") |
W19 | W19 | ='DailyRate1Apr2023-31Mar2024'!$X$3 |
Named Ranges | ||
Name | Refers To | Cells |
RateHistoryK6_X7 | =ForTab!$K$5:$X$6 | K16 |
FortissimoTabulationFindBlankCell.xlsx | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | AA | AB | AC | AD | AE | AF | AG | AH | |||
1 | Beginning With April 1, 2023 | $100 | $300 | $600 | $1,000 | $1,500 | $2,100 | $2,800 | $3,600 | $4,500 | $5,500 | $6,600 | $7,800 | Fri-22 September 2023 | 28 | 30 | 30 | E Col Count | =TEXT( | 1st Date/Time | 2nd Date/Time | 3rd Date/Time | 4th Date/Time | =TEXT(1st Date/Time | =TEXT(2nd Date/Time | =TEXT(3rd Date/Time | =TEXT(4th Date/Time | |||||||||
2 | April 2022 | May 2022 | June 2022 | July 2022 | August 2022 | September 2022 | October 2022 | November 2022 | December 2022 | January 2023 | February 2023 | March 2023 | Min ððð | 2,096.80 Kč | 100 | Extra Dates Per Specific Rate | 22.471 | 28 | $B$30 | 28 | ||||||||||||||||
3 | Max ððð | 2,247.10 Kč | 200 | $C$28 | Sep 23, 2023 07:22:12 | $AA$28 | 28 | 35 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | 7:47:58 | Sat-01 April 2023 | 21.357 | 21.361 | 21.366 | 21.370 | 21.374 | 21.378 | 21.378 | 21.378 | 21.378 | 21.378 | 21.378 | 21.378 | 2,135.70 Kč | MDL | 1 | 100 | Apr 02, 2023 06:23:06 Apr 03, 2023 06:44:02 Aug 03, 2023 08:54:40 | 1 | Apr 02, 2023 06:23:06 | Apr 03, 2023 06:44:02 | Aug 03, 2023 08:54:40 | Apr 02, 2023 06:23:06 | Apr 03, 2023 06:44:02 | Aug 03, 2023 08:54:40 | ||||||||||
5 | 0.004 | 0.005 | 0.004 | 0.004 | 0.004 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | 5:59:11 | Tue-04 April 2023 | 21.425 | 21.430 | 21.434 | 21.438 | 21.440 | 21.445 | 21.447 | 21.447 | 21.447 | 21.447 | 21.447 | 21.447 | 2,142.50 Kč | MDL | 1 | 100 | Feb 06, 2023 08:26:24 May 23, 2023 07:12:42 | 2 | Feb 06, 2023 08:26:24 | May 23, 2023 07:12:42 | Feb 06, 2023 08:26:24 | May 23, 2023 07:12:42 | ||||||||||||
7 | 0.005 | 0.004 | 0.004 | 0.002 | 0.005 | 0.002 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | 7:49:20 | Tue-02 May 2023 | 20.968 | 20.972 | 20.976 | 20.980 | 20.984 | 20.988 | 20.988 | 20.988 | 20.988 | 20.988 | 20.988 | 20.988 | 2,096.80 Kč | MDL | 0 | 100 | Jul 18, 2023 07:23:41 | 18 | Jul 18, 2023 07:23:41 | Jul 18, 2023 07:23:41 | ||||||||||||||
9 | 0.004 | 0.004 | 0.004 | 0.004 | 0.004 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | 7:23:56 | Wed-03 May 2023 | 20.997 | 21.001 | 21.005 | 21.009 | 21.013 | 21.018 | 21.018 | 21.018 | 21.018 | 21.018 | 21.018 | 21.018 | 2,099.70 Kč | MDL | 1 | 100 | Jul 17, 2023 08:36:39 | 19 | Jul 17, 2023 08:36:39 | Jul 17, 2023 08:36:39 | ||||||||||||||
11 | 0.004 | 0.004 | 0.004 | 0.004 | 0.005 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | 8:12:14 | Thu-01 June 2023 | 21.669 | 21.674 | 21.678 | 21.682 | 21.687 | 21.691 | 21.691 | 21.691 | 21.691 | 21.691 | 21.691 | 21.691 | 2,166.90 Kč | MDL | 0 | 100 | 2 | Feb 07, 2023 08:03:01 | Mar 23, 2023 06:47:34 | Feb 07, 2023 08:03:01 | Mar 23, 2023 06:47:34 | |||||||||||||
13 | 0.005 | 0.004 | 0.004 | 0.005 | 0.004 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | 9:14:03 | Fri-02 June 2023 | 21.533 | 21.537 | 21.541 | 21.546 | 21.550 | 21.552 | 21.554 | 21.554 | 21.554 | 21.554 | 21.554 | 21.554 | 2,153.30 Kč | MDL | 1 | 100 | Jan 27, 2023 07:46:56 Jun 03, 2023 08:28:15 Jun 04, 2023 07:51:06 Jun 05, 2023 11:04:45 | 3 | Aug 22, 2023 07:04:34 Aug 23, 2023 07:45:16 | Jan 27, 2023 07:46:56 | Jun 03, 2023 08:28:15 | Jun 04, 2023 07:51:06 | Jun 05, 2023 11:04:45 | Jan 27, 2023 07:46:56 | Jun 03, 2023 08:28:15 | Jun 04, 2023 07:51:06 | Jun 05, 2023 11:04:45 | |||||||
15 | 0.004 | 0.004 | 0.005 | 0.004 | 0.002 | 0.002 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0 | Aug 22, 2023 07:04:34 | Aug 23, 2023 07:45:16 | Aug 22, 2023 07:04:34 | Aug 23, 2023 07:45:16 | ||||||||||||||||||||
16 | 7:18:18 | Sat-08 July 2023 | 21.309 | 21.313 | 21.317 | 21.322 | 21.326 | 21.330 | 21.330 | 21.330 | 21.330 | 21.330 | 21.330 | 21.330 | 2,130.90 Kč | 0 | 100 | 12 | ||||||||||||||||||
17 | 0.004 | 0.004 | 0.005 | 0.004 | 0.004 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
18 | 7:23:47 | Tue-11 July 2023 | 21.318 | 21.322 | 21.326 | 21.331 | 21.335 | 21.339 | 21.339 | 21.339 | 21.339 | 21.339 | 21.339 | 21.339 | 2,131.80 Kč | 1 | 100 | 13 | ||||||||||||||||||
19 | 0.004 | 0.004 | 0.005 | 0.004 | 0.004 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | 6:40:15 | Tue-01 August 2023 | 21.231 | 21.235 | 21.239 | 21.243 | 21.248 | 21.252 | 21.252 | 21.252 | 21.252 | 21.252 | 21.252 | 21.252 | 2,123.10 Kč | 0 | 100 | 20 | ||||||||||||||||||
21 | 0.004 | 0.004 | 0.004 | 0.005 | 0.004 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
22 | 8:14:36 | Thu-24 August 2023 | 21.620 | 21.624 | 21.629 | 21.633 | 21.637 | 21.642 | 21.642 | 21.642 | 21.642 | 21.642 | 21.642 | 21.642 | 2,162.00 Kč | MDL | 0 | 100 | Aug 25, 2023 06:20:41 | 26 | Aug 25, 2023 06:20:41 | Aug 25, 2023 06:20:41 | ||||||||||||||
23 | 0.004 | 0.005 | 0.004 | 0.004 | 0.005 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
24 | 7:17:46 | Sun-03 September 2023 | 21.728 | 21.732 | 21.736 | 21.741 | 21.745 | 21.749 | 21.749 | 21.749 | 21.749 | 21.749 | 21.749 | 21.749 | 2,172.80 Kč | MDL | 0 | 100 | Sep 04, 2023 07:05:22 | 2 | Sep 04, 2023 07:05:22 | Sep 04, 2023 07:05:22 | ||||||||||||||
25 | 0.004 | 0.004 | 0.005 | 0.004 | 0.004 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
26 | 8:49:37 | Wed-06 September 2023 | 22.055 | 22.059 | 22.064 | 22.068 | 22.072 | 22.077 | 22.077 | 22.077 | 22.077 | 22.077 | 22.077 | 22.077 | 2,205.50 Kč | MDL | 0 | 100 | Jan 00, 1900 00:00:00 | 4 | Jan 00, 1900 00:00:00 | |||||||||||||||
27 | 0.004 | 0.005 | 0.004 | 0.004 | 0.005 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
28 | 7:50:14 | Fri-22 September 2023 | 22.471 | 22.475 | 22.479 | 22.486 | 22.491 | 22.493 | 22.493 | 22.493 | 22.493 | 22.493 | 22.493 | 22.493 | 2,247.10 Kč | MDL | 0 | 100 | Sep 23, 2023 07:22:12 Sep 24, 2023 07:32:51 | 14 | Sep 23, 2023 07:22:12 | Sep 24, 2023 07:32:51 | Sep 23, 2023 07:22:12 | Sep 24, 2023 07:32:51 | ||||||||||||
29 | 0.004 | 0.004 | 0.007 | 0.005 | 0.002 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
30 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DailyRate1Apr2023-31Mar2024 |
Cell Formulas | ||
Range | Formula | |
C1 | C1 | =ForTab!$M$1 |
D1 | D1 | =ForTab!$N$1 |
E1 | E1 | =ForTab!$O$1 |
F1 | F1 | =ForTab!$P$1 |
G1 | G1 | =ForTab!$Q$1 |
H1 | H1 | =ForTab!$R$1 |
I1 | I1 | =ForTab!$S$1 |
J1 | J1 | =ForTab!$T$1 |
K1 | K1 | =ForTab!$U$1 |
L1 | L1 | =ForTab!$V$1 |
M1 | M1 | =ForTab!$W$1 |
N1 | N1 | =ForTab!$X$1 |
S1 | S1 | =XLOOKUP($U$2,$C$4:$C$29,$B$4:$B$29,0) |
V1 | V1 | =SUM(U1+2) |
AE1:AH1 | AE1 | =$Y$1&AA1 |
U2 | U2 | =ForTab!L17 |
V2 | V2 | =MATCH(S1,B:B,0) |
W2 | W2 | =ADDRESS(W1,2) |
X2 | X2 | =COUNTA(E:E) |
P2 | P2 | =MIN($O$4:$O$29) |
P3 | P3 | =MAX($O$4:$O$29) |
U3 | U3 | =ADDRESS(MATCH($S$1,B:B,0),3) |
V3 | V3 | =XLOOKUP(U2,$C$4:$C$29,$AA$4:$AA$29,0) |
W3 | W3 | =ADDRESS(MATCH($V$3,AA:AA,0),27) |
X3 | X3 | =RIGHT(W3,LEN(W3)-FIND(CHAR(160),SUBSTITUTE(W3,"$",CHAR(160),2))) |
Y3 | Y3 | =SUM(X3+7) |
O4,O28,O26,O24,O22,O20,O18,O16,O14,O12,O10,O8,O6 | O4 | =IFERROR(IF(SUM(C4*R4)=0,"",(SUM(C4*R4))),"") |
R4:R29 | R4 | =IF(YEAR(B4)=2023,$R$2,IF(YEAR(B4)=2024,$R$3,"")) |
S4,S10,S8 | S4 | =AE4&CHAR(10)&AF4&CHAR(10)&AG4 |
AE28:AF28,AE26,AE24,AE22,AE15:AF15,AE14:AH14,AE12:AF12,AE10,AE8,AE6:AF6,AE4:AG4 | AE4 | =TEXT(AA4,"mmm dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss") |
Q29,Q27,Q25,Q23,Q21,Q17:Q19,Q13:Q15,Q9:Q11,Q5:Q7 | Q5 | =MOD(ROWS(Q$2:Q3),2) |
S6 | S6 | =AE6&CHAR(10)&AF6 |
Q8,Q28,Q26,Q24,Q22,Q20,Q16,Q12 | Q8 | =MOD(ROWS(Q$2:Q7),2) |
S14,S28,S26,S24,S22 | S14 | =AE14&CHAR(10)&AF14&CHAR(10)&AG14&CHAR(10)&AH14 |
U14 | U14 | =AE15&CHAR(10)&AF15&CHAR(10)& AG15&CHAR(10)&AH15 |
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