I have a workbook where people regularly populate if they have done a task for that week or not. I'm building a "compliance" sheet that will capture the overall % of completed tasks.
The trouble is getting the blank cells to produce the word "Blank". I DO NOT want the number zero produced for blank cells, as this will throw the conditional formatting off.
For example:
{=IF(AND($G$2:$G$93="*Annually*",$M$2:$M$93=""),"Blank",[COUNTIFS funtion])}
Where the frequency is "Annually" AND the completion status is "" (blank), give me "BLANK", otherwise give me the results of this COUNTIF function:
The result I get from the IF/AND funtion is "FALSE" (even if the combination is true).
The trouble is getting the blank cells to produce the word "Blank". I DO NOT want the number zero produced for blank cells, as this will throw the conditional formatting off.
For example:
{=IF(AND($G$2:$G$93="*Annually*",$M$2:$M$93=""),"Blank",[COUNTIFS funtion])}
Where the frequency is "Annually" AND the completion status is "" (blank), give me "BLANK", otherwise give me the results of this COUNTIF function:
The result I get from the IF/AND funtion is "FALSE" (even if the combination is true).