i found this great spreadsheet that links to yahoo finance and provides detailed multiple stock price data downloads
unfortunately i need it for 250 stocks and while it provides that functionality it replicates each stock with an individual page. I just want the closing price for 10 years for each stock on a summary page can someone help me alter the vba just to provide the collated page " close price " in the output I don't need anything else.. otherwise the model gets huge and unwieldy please send me back the excel sheet with the code adjustments. The other issue is there are blanks in the data i just need the blank data also to be equal to the previous data where there are blanks ( there seem to be a lot) see link
Multiple Stock Quote Downloader for Excel
please send the excel sheet back oe show me in detail how to adjust the code as i have no experience in vba ie detailed code changes i can cut and paste or ideally just please send the spreadsheet
unfortunately i need it for 250 stocks and while it provides that functionality it replicates each stock with an individual page. I just want the closing price for 10 years for each stock on a summary page can someone help me alter the vba just to provide the collated page " close price " in the output I don't need anything else.. otherwise the model gets huge and unwieldy please send me back the excel sheet with the code adjustments. The other issue is there are blanks in the data i just need the blank data also to be equal to the previous data where there are blanks ( there seem to be a lot) see link
Multiple Stock Quote Downloader for Excel
please send the excel sheet back oe show me in detail how to adjust the code as i have no experience in vba ie detailed code changes i can cut and paste or ideally just please send the spreadsheet