I'm tripping over my brain on this one...
I'll pain(t) the situation:
a workbook with 9+ worksheets. One is used for Reference Data, another holds Data from an online source (that I cannot control the headers location and format), and then another sheet that is effectively an aggregate copy of this online source data (I actually have multiple different sources, so that is why I'm trying to make this a re-usable function).
I've created a bunch of other functions that I think should support this final "piece" of work. I just need help with this last piece.
In the Reference Data sheet (Called RefData), I have several columns that are transpositions of the headers from the other worksheets. They are called "MainData_ColNames", "OnlineSrc1" and "OnlineSrc2". The MainData_ColNames stores all of the existing column names that WONT change location. I then have transposed the headers from Online Source 1 and 2 respectively, and removed the Headers that don't have a corresponding "destination" in the MainData worksheet.
I need to step through each OnlineSrc column, and if a cell has a value, Record that value, and then lookup the matching value by row in the MainData_ColNames column, and then record that matching headername into a value. Once I have that working, copying the data and whatnot I actually have working.
I've created a bunch of code that takes care of most of what I need it to do, but I'm trying to make it one-step further dynamically speaking.
Here is a sample worksheet with that I'm talking about (this should help clear up a lot of what I'm trying to do)...
The password to the .zip file is "mrexcel" (I have triple scanned this file for any virus's/trojans, should be clean).
Thanks very much in advance.
I'm tripping over my brain on this one...
I'll pain(t) the situation:
a workbook with 9+ worksheets. One is used for Reference Data, another holds Data from an online source (that I cannot control the headers location and format), and then another sheet that is effectively an aggregate copy of this online source data (I actually have multiple different sources, so that is why I'm trying to make this a re-usable function).
I've created a bunch of other functions that I think should support this final "piece" of work. I just need help with this last piece.
In the Reference Data sheet (Called RefData), I have several columns that are transpositions of the headers from the other worksheets. They are called "MainData_ColNames", "OnlineSrc1" and "OnlineSrc2". The MainData_ColNames stores all of the existing column names that WONT change location. I then have transposed the headers from Online Source 1 and 2 respectively, and removed the Headers that don't have a corresponding "destination" in the MainData worksheet.
I need to step through each OnlineSrc column, and if a cell has a value, Record that value, and then lookup the matching value by row in the MainData_ColNames column, and then record that matching headername into a value. Once I have that working, copying the data and whatnot I actually have working.
I've created a bunch of code that takes care of most of what I need it to do, but I'm trying to make it one-step further dynamically speaking.
Here is a sample worksheet with that I'm talking about (this should help clear up a lot of what I'm trying to do)...
The password to the .zip file is "mrexcel" (I have triple scanned this file for any virus's/trojans, should be clean).
Thanks very much in advance.